June 18-21, 2015
Victoria Conference Centre – Victoria, British Columbia
Thank you to everyone for your generous contribution to the success of our 78th Annual Meeting in beautiful Victoria, British Columbia! We are proud of the calibre of our meeting and grateful for your participation. With your support, we once again exceeded expectations for overall attendance.
We would also like to thank the 18 guest speakers and over 100 presenters who lent us their expertise and provided an excellent opportunity for education and discussion. We also thank the over 1200 delegates who attended sessions, the family members who came to enjoy the fun, and the exhibitors and sponsors who gave us their generous support. The conference would not have been the same without the contributions of each one of you.
Your membership in the COS makes this meeting possible, and we are grateful for your continued participation in the society and your attendance at the annual meeting. We’ve already started work on next year’s meeting. We will be listening to your feedback to ensure that we continue to improve not only our meetings but the COS as a whole.