Canadian Cornea, External Disease & Refractive Surgery Society
COS 4: Controversies in Cornea and Refractive Surgery
Friday June 10, 2011, 1545-1715
Stanley Park 1&2
At the end of this session, participants will be able to:
- Integrate knowledge from new surgical techniques in keratoplasty
- Demonstrate enhanced ability to manage presbyopia
- Compare different approaches to the management of PRK
- Assess increased medico legal risk in anterior segment procedures
Donald Tan, MD
Parag Majmudar, MD
Richard Abbott, MD |
Canadian guests
Paul Dubord, MD
W. Bruce Jackson, MD
John Blaylock, MD |
Guillermo Rocha | |
1545 | Welcome and introduction Guillermo Rocha |
1550 | Corneal transplantation and the elimination of corneal blindness Paul Dubord |
1557 | Discussion |
1600 | Is DALK better than full thickness corneal transplants? Donald Tan |
1610 | Discussion |
1615 | Should MMC be used in PRK? Parag Majmudar |
1625 | Discussion |
1630 | Corneal correction of presbyopia: Are we there yet? W. Bruce Jackson |
1640 | Discussion |
1645 | Bilateral refractive lensectomy are simultaneously operated for ametropia
John F. Blaylock, Zhaomin Si, Mark Petrik |
1655 | Discussion |
1700 | Light adjustable lenses following corneal refractive surgery Guillermo Rocha
1710 | Discussion and closing remarks |
Refractive Surgery Symposium: Preventing and Managing Complications
Saturday June 11, 2011, 1045-1215
Stanley Park 3
At the end of this session, participants will be able to:
- Integrate knowledge from new developments in femtosecond lasers
- Demonstrate enhanced ability to manage challenging refractive surgery cases
- Compare different approaches to the management of refractive surgery cases
Donald Tan, MD
Parag Majmudar, MD |
Stephen Brodovsky
Mona Harissi-Dagher | |
1045 | Welcome Stephen Brodovsky/Mona Harissi-Dagher |
1048 | Corneal applications of the femtosecond laser Donald Tan |
1100 | Discussion |
1103 | Optimizing outcomes in refractive surgery Parag Majmudar |
1115 | Discussion |
1118 | Refractive surgery nightmares: Interactive case presentations Parag Majmudar |
Free Papers |
1140 | To evaluate the performance and acceptability of variable spot scanning refractive surgery W. Bruce Jackson, Kashif Baig, John F. Blaylock, Joseph King, George Mintsioulis, David S. Rootman, James Wiens |
1145 | Discussion |
1148 | Examining the characteristics of post laser-assisted in situ keratomileusis (LASIK) corneal ectasia patients Ravinder D Bhui, Simon P. Holland |
1153 | Discussion |
1156 | Sutures management of recalcitrant LASIK flap striae Salima Hassanaly, Eser Adiguzel, Avi Wallerstein, Mark Cohen, Pierre Demers, Mona Harissi-Dagher |
1201 | Discussion Demers, Mona Harissi-Dagher |
1204 | The four-year outcomes from a prospective Canadian clinical investigation of an angle-supported phakic lens Simon Holland, Thaddeus Demong, Francis Roy, Theodore Rabinovitch, Mihai Pop |
1209 | Discussion |
1212 | Closing remarks |
1215 | Cornea Business Meeting |
Medical and Surgical Cornea: Symposium on Advances and Challenging Cases
Saturday June 11, 2011, 1330-1500
Stanley Park 3
Donald Tan, MD |
Patricia Ann Laughrea
Martin McCarthy | |
At the end of this session, participants will be able to:
- Integrate knowledge from current aspects of ocular surface diagnosis and management
- Demonstrate enhanced ability to manage challenging medical corneal cases
- Compare different approaches to the surgical management of challenging ocular surface conditions
1330 | Welcome Patricia Ann Laughrea/ Martin McCarthy |
1331 | Ron Jans Cornea Research Award: The development of a frozen section technique for multi-antibody screening of impression cytologies of the ocular surface Julia Baryla |
1338 | Discussion Award presentation by Dr W. Bruce Jackson |
1341 | W. Bruce Jackson Lecture: Osteo-odonto Keratoprosthesis (OOKP) Donald Tan |
1351 | Discussion Award presentation by Dr Patricia Ann Laughrea |
1354 | Challenging cases in medical and surgical cornea: Interactive case presentations Donald Tan |
1414 | Corneal vignettes Jeffrey Sher |
Free Papers |
1421 | Development of biocompatible nanocomposites in contact lenses for local delivery of growth factor in chemical burns William G. Hodge, Jin Zhang, Hyung Kim, Adrienne Willoughby |
1426 | Discussion |
1429 | Gonococcal ophthalmia in adults: Conjunctivitis, ulcerative keratitis and corneal perforation Mayte Arino, Nicolas Alejandre, Blanca Garcia, Ignacio Jimenez-Alfaro |
1434 | A rare case of corneal crystalline deposits as initial presentation of multiple myeloma King Chow, Katherine Monkman, Kulbir S. Gill, Leonard Minuk, Rookaya Mather |
1439 | Successful treatment of acute ocular involvement in Stevens-Johnson syndrome with amniotic membrane transplantation: A case report Tiiu M. Hess, Hall F. Chew |
1444 | Discussion |
1447 | What are the indications and outcomes of keratoprosthesis implantation in patients with previous ocular surface stem cell transplantation? Clara C. Chan, Edward J. Holland |
1452 | Long-term results regarding the impact of glaucoma on vision following Boston keratoprosthesis type 1 surgery Julia Talajic, Sébastien Gagné, Younes Agoumi, Mona Harissi-Dagher |
1457 | Discussion and closing remarks |
Cornea: Rapid Fire Session on Innovations and Free Paper Presentations
Saturday June 11, 1545-1715
Room 206 AB
Parag Majmudar, MD
Donald Tan, MD
Ahmed Al-Ghoul, MD
Clara Chan, MD |
George Beiko
Joseph Ma |
At the end of this session, participants will be able to:
- Integrate knowledge from new keratoplasty techniques
- Demonstrate enhanced ability to manage challenging surgical corneal cases
- Compare different approaches to the management of corneal collagen cross-linking
1545 | Welcome Moderators |
Corneal Pathology |
1547 | Incidence of ocular surface squamous neoplasia in pterygium specimens: An 8-year Canadian survey Sonia N. Yeung, Peter Kim, Alejandro Lichtinger, Maoz D. Amiran, Elie Cote, Sabrina Teitel, Allan R. Slomovic |
1552 | Discussion |
Keratoplasty |
1554 | Effect of cryopreservation on donor ocular tissue Tenley Bower, Guillermo Rocha |
1559 | Combined use of subconjunctival and intracorneal bevacizumab injection for corneal neovascularization Sonia N. Yeung, Alejandro Lichtinger, Peter Kim, Maoz D. Amiran, Allan R. Slomovic |
1604 | Discussion |
1607 | Tissue quality of eye bank prepared lamellar grafts for Descemet’s stripping automated endothelial keratoplasty Brian Nelson, Rusty Ritenour |
1612 | Descemet stripping automated endothelial keratoplasty (DSAEK) using infant donor tissue Peter Kim, Sonia N. Yeung, Alejandro Lichtinger, Maoz D. Amiran, David S. Rootman |
1617 | Graft survival post penetrating keratoplasty (PKP): A consecutive series at McGill University Elham Rastikerdar, Si-Liang Peng, Devinder P Cheema |
1622 | Long-term outcomes of descemet stripping endothelial keratoplasty (DSEK): Up to 5-years follow-up Peter Kim, Sonia N. Yeung, Alejandro Lichtinger, Maoz D. Amiran, David S. Rootman, Manreet Alangh, Allan R. Slomovic |
1627 | Discussion |
Corneal collagen cross-linking |
1632 | Riboflavin cross-linking treatment increases corneal epithelial and stromal thickness in keratoconus patients Hugo F. Sutton, Steven Ma, David P. Schwirtz, Sharon T. Wong, Eric Pharand |
1637 | Corneal collagen cross-linking with riboflavin and ultraviolet-A light in keratoconus: One-year analysis of first 100 treated eyes Sadhana V. Kulkarni, Kashif Baig, George Mintsioulis, W. Bruce Jackson |
1642 | Corneal collagen cross-linking in Canada Adam Muzychuk, Victor Penner, Ahmed Al-Ghoul, Martin McCarthy, Guillermo Rocha |
1647 | Is collagen cross-linking (CXL) for keratoconus with simultaneous topographical-guided photorefractive keratectomy (TG-PRK) effective? Simon Holland, David Lin |
1652 | Collagen cross-linking and TCAT for keratoconus and post-LASIK ectasia Dwight Silvera, Eser Adiguzel, Avi Wallerstein, Mark Cohen |
1657 | Discussion |
Techniques |
1707 | Comparison of tensile strength of slip knots compared to 3-1-1 knots using 10-0 nylon suture Carla R. Lutchman, Linus H. Leung, Hall F. Chew |
1712 | Discussion and closing remarks |