Jan-Tjeerd de Faber, MD |
Jane Gardiner
Luis H. Ospina
0830 | Introduction
Luis H. Ospina |
0833 | An evaluation of the ocular profile of First Nation and Métis in the pediatric population of Saskatchewan
Nishant Sharma, Joel Post, Punam Pahwa, Vasudha Erraguntla |
0840 | Discussion |
0845 | Remote screening for retinopathy of prematurity (ROP) using telemedicine: Experience of the Sickkids network in Ontario over two years
Nasrin Najm-Tehrani |
0852 | Discussion |
0857 | Determining extent of retinal vascularization in retinopathy of prematurity (ROP): Comparison of color images and fluorescein angiograms
Nasrin N. Tehrani, Amila DeAlwis, Derek Stephens |
0904 | Discussion |
0909 | Outcome of paediatric open globe trauma
Kamiar Mireskandari, Howard Bunting |
0916 | Discussion |
0921 | Traumatic rupture of the inferior rectus muscle: Clinical features and surgical management
Aisha Al Busaidi, Michael Flanders |
0928 | Discussion |
0933 | Inferior blow out fracture repair followed by residual ipsilateral incomitant hypertropia
Inas Makar |
0940 | Discussion |
0945 | Cutting edge strabismus after trauma
Jan-Tjeerd de Faber |
1005 | Discussion |
1015 | Break |
1040 | Accuracy of the corneal light reflex for clinical measurement of strabismus
Michael D. O'Connor, Jennifer Schofield, Stephen P. Kraft, Asim Ali, David Smith |
1047 | Discussion |
1052 | Unusual strabismus in three patients with orbital bands
Michel J. Belliveau, Brian W. Arthur |
1059 | Discussion |
1104 | Choice of conjunctival incision type for horizontal rectus strabismus surgery: The first international survey
Kourosh Sabri, Mikel Mikhail |
1111 | Discussion |
1116 | Anterior segment ischemia after strabismus surgery for IIIrd nerve palsy
Tenley Bower, Michael Flanders |
1123 | Discussion |
1128 | Gorillas out of the mist
Jan-Tjeerd de Faber |
1153 | Discussion |
1200 | Closing remarks |