Société canadienne du glaucome

Travaux libres sur le glaucome

Le mercredi 27 juin 2012, 1545-1715
Harbour B

À la fin de la session, les participants pourront :

  • Discuter des nouveaux développements de la recherche scientifique clinique et basique sur le glaucome quant aux :
    • Nouvelles méthodes et considérations diagnostiques
    • Nouvelles modalités de traitements médicaux et chirurgicaux
    • Considérations éducatives des patients

Karim Damji

1545Canadian ophthalmologists' opinions concerning complementary and alternative medicine use in glaucoma
Tenley N. Bower, Sana Muhsen, Olga Overbury, Catherine Birt, Oscar Kasner
1555Prospective, randomized MIGS study of one, two or three trabecular micro-bypass stents and travoprost in open-angle glaucoma
Iqbal Ike k. Ahmed, Hady Saheb, Lilit Voskanyan
1605Patient appropriate health literacy materials in ophthalmology
David Mikhail, Kari Visscher, Joy Wang, Barry Emara, Cindy Hutnik
1615Does macular RNFL thickness measurement correlate to changes in visual field progression in advanced glaucoma?
Sadhana V. Kulkarni, John Hamilton, Stuart Coupland
1625Faster visual recovery following Ex-PRESS than trabeculectomy: results of a prospective randomised controlled trial
(3rd place winner COS Award of Excellence)
Laura Beltran-Agullo, Delan Jinapriya, Yaping Jin, Lilach D. Wagschal, Graham Trope, Yvonne Buys
1635A randomized clinical trial of selective laser trabeculoplasty versus argon laser trabeculoplasty in open angle glaucoma and ocular hypertension secondary to pseudoexfoliation
Francie Si, Shefalee S. Kent, Cindy Hutnik, Catherine Birt, Karim F. Damji, Paul J. Harasymowycz, William Hodge, Irene Y. Pan, Andrew Crichton
1645Latanoprost stimulates lymphatic drainage from the mouse eye
Alex L. Tam, Neeru Gupta, Zhexue Zhang, Yeni H. Yucel
1655Refractive status in patients with narrow angles
Sarah M. Simpson, Daniel Warder, Angela Moore, Isabella Irrcher, Delan Jinapriya
17052012 Stephen Drance Award of Excellence in Glaucoma Research