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Program Outline

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Thursday March 7
Arrive early and spend the day skiing! Sunshine Village and Mount Norquay are both close by and offer great skiing. Check the Social Events section for information about ski rental, lift tickets and transfers.
1430-1815Registration in the Curio Foyer

Retina Case Conference
Guest speakers: H. Richard McDonald, Daniel F. Martin
Case presentations by Canadian experts

At the end of this session, participants will be able to:

  • assess their current case management knowledge through discussion of difficult retina cases
  • integrate into their practice knowledge from new developments in the management of unique retina cases
1605 H. Richard McDonald
1610 Alan Cruess
1615 Alan Berger
1620 Alan Maberley
1625 Netah Chaudry
1630 David Maberley
1636 Amin Kherani
1640 David Lederer
1645 Feizal Adatia
1650 Tom Sheidow
1655 Tom Sheidow
1700 5 fantastic posterior uveitis cases - Daniel Martin
1720 Wai Ching Lam
1725 Chloe Gottleib
1730 Todd Buglass
1735 Matt Tennant
1740 Eduardo Navajas
1745 Jim Whelan
1750 Michael Brent & Eduardo Navajas
1755 H. Richard McDonald
1830-1930Welcome Reception
Please join us for a welcome cocktail reception in Mt. Stephen Hall.
Friday March 8
Hit the slopes and spend the morning skiing. Enjoy a day on the hills without the weekend crowds. Or join a winter activity tour such as dog sledding or ice walking. Head back to the hotel for a 2 pm lunch and the scientific program starting at 1430.
0800-1600Registration in the Curio Foyer
1400Lunch in the Alberta room
1430-1845Scientific sessions in the New Brunswick room

Chair: Alan Cruess
Guest speakers: Daniel F. Martin, Mary Lou Jackson, Philip J. Ferrone, Ian M. MacDonald

At the end of this session, participants will be able to:

  • apply the CATT results to their clinical practice
  • consider new techniques in microperimetry for the assistance of low vision patients with AMD
  • discuss emerging research on AMD treatments and imaging modalities
  • effectively manage hydroxychloroquine toxicity
1430-1435Welcome and Introduction
1435-1445A brief history of Banff - Alan Maberley
1445-1515Applying the CATT results to clinical practice - Daniel F. Martin
1520-1535Early experience with Aflibercept (Eylea) - Philip J. Ferrone
1540-1555Management of low vision in AMD with microperimetry - Mary Lou Jackson
1600-1620OCT in the management of neovascular AMD - SriniVas R. Sadda
1635-1655Is this a macular dystrophy? Case studies - Ian M. MacDonald
1700-1715Management of optic nerve pit - H. Richard McDonald
1715-1745Panel discussion
Moderator: Alan Cruess
Panelists: Daniel F. Martin, Derek Godinho, Philip J. Ferrone

Chair: Matthew Tennant

At the end of this session participants will be able to:

  • discuss the benefits and challenges affecting the delivery of teleretina services across Canada
  • consider different approaches to the remote delivery of retina services
  • evaluate programmatic screening techniques for AMD

Teleophthalmology in Canada update: provincial presentations

1745-1752Teleophthalmology in Quebec - Marie Carole Boucher
1752-1759AMD telemedicine - Tom Sheidow
1759-1806Optometry Referrals by telemedicine - Riz Somani
1806-1813Diabetic retinopathy - David Maberley
1813-1820Telemedicine referrals - Geoff Williams
1820-1827Ophthalmologist referrals by telemedicine - Matthew Tennant

Panel discussion
Moderator: Matthew Tennant
Expansion to multi-modality imaging in teleretina
Teleretina security and health information requirements

1915Shuttle leaves for dinner
1930Alcon Mountain BBQ dinner
Bring your family and join us for a western-style evening. Enjoy a fabulous Alberta beef BBQ dinner in a warm and cosy open-air tent with a central bonfire. Wear your jeans, pull on your cowboy boots and two-step the night away.
Saturday March 9
Main conference day. Be sure to participate in the Expanding the Dialogue session over lunch, which will feature presentations and discussion about issues affecting industry in Canada. CRS members are invited to participate in the CRS organizational meeting, immediately following lunch.
0700-1300Registration in the Curio Foyer
0700-0730Breakfast in the Alberta room
0730-1200Scientific sessions in the New Brunswick room

Chair: Philip L. Hooper

At the end of this session, participants will be able to:

  • implement new management techniques for acute retinal necrosis
  • describe the management of uveitis
  • discuss the effects of syphilis on the retina
0735-0755Update in the management of Acute Retinal Necrosis - Daniel F. Martin
0800-0830Update on uveitis for the retina specialist - Olga Ziouzina
0835-0855Lessons learned in the management of posterior uveitis - Daniel F. Martin
0900-0920Syphillis: A new look at an old friend - H. Richard McDonald
0925-0955Panel discussion
Moderator: Philip L. Hooper
Panelists: H. Richard McDonald, Dan Martin, Olga Ziouzina

Chair: Wai Ching Lam

At the end of this session, participants will be able to:

  • Discuss new developments in OCT imaging technology
  • Apply lessons learned in screening for hydroxychloroquine toxicity
  • Describe microperimetry for the assessment of visual function
  • Discuss the diagnosis and management of unilateral retinal pigment epithelium dysgenesis
1015-1030What's next in OCT imaging technology - SriniVas Sadda
1035-1050Lessons learned in screening for hydroxychloroquine toxicity - Ian M. MacDonald
1055-1110Microperimetry - Mary Lou Jackson
1115-1130Unilateral RPE dysgenesis - H. Richard McDonald
1135-1200Panel discussion
Chair: Wai Ching Lam
Panelists: Philip J. Ferrone, SriniVas Sadda, Ian Macdonald, David Chow

Working lunch: Expanding the Dialogue
Please join us in the Alberta room for this panel discussion featuring presentations and discussion about issues affecting industry in Canada.

This session aims to:

  • facilitate discussion between physicians and industry partners in order to improve patient care
  • identify areas for new research in retinal disease, surgery, care and treatment
  • identify opportunities for future collaboration
1330-1630CRS business meeting
Members are invited to join the CRS business meeting in the Alberta room.
1700Novartis Winter Dinner at Waldhaus
Dress warmly and join us on the Waldhaus patio for hot chocolate and mulled wine. Located just on the Fairmont grounds, you can walk down the steps or take the shuttle to this old hunting cottage. Bring your helmet and skates for a game of pond hockey before dinner (at 1830). The whole family will enjoy a fondue dinner at this house in the forest.
Sunday March 10
Final conference day. We will wrap-up by 1230; you can grab your lunch and head out for another afternoon of skiing.
0730-1230Registration in the Curio Foyer


At the end of this session, participants will be able to:

  • describe the importance of the choroid in the management of vascular retinal disease
  • discuss current treatments for diabetic macular edema
0735-0755News you can use - Philip J. Ferrone
0800-0815The Choroid - The new frontier in retina - SriniVas Sadda
0820-0835Lucentis for DME - Philip J. Ferrone
0840-0900Panel Discussion
Chair: Geoff Williams
Experts: Vas Sadda, Philip J. Ferrone, Lica Chui, Murray Erasmus
0915-0920Foundation Fighting Blindness - Sharon Colle

The nerve
Chair: Amin Kherani

At the end of this session, participants will be able to:

  • discuss key points of glaucoma surgery
  • describe how neuro-ophthalmological conditions may affect the retina
  • discuss laser treatment for glaucoma
0920-0935Glaucoma surgery for the retina specialist - Andrew Crichton
0940-1010Update on neuroophthalmology for the retina specialist - Fiona Costello
1015-1030Glaucoma laser for the retina specialist - Andrew Crichton

Surgical retina case conference
Co-chair: David Chow, David Wong
Case presentations by Canadian experts

At the end of this session, participants will be able to:

  • assess their current case management knowledge through discussion of difficult surgical cases cases
  • integrate into their practice knowledge from new developments in the management of surgical retina cases

Bilateral retinal detachments - John Gonder
Leah Wittenberg
Enzymes - David Chow
Feizal Adatia
Geoff Williams
In-situ IOL refolding - Ken Eng
Scleral fixated IOL - Mark Greve
Endoscopic assisted bimanual peeling of cilary body fibrosis - Mohamed Haji
RD from ON pit - Varun Chaurdy
Matt Tennant
David Wong
Wound Closure - fellow from St. Michael's
Traumatic BRAO - Jim Martin
Interferon retinopathy - William Foster
Tumour case - Shawkat S. Michel
Macular hole in AMD - Deepa Yoganathan
Traumatic pediatric macular hole - William Foster

1215-1315Box lunch (grab and go)
1330-1700Time for more winter activities, or departures at your leisure.