Société canadienne de la pathologie oculaire

À la fin de la session, les participants pourront :

  • décrire les principes qui sous-tendent le diagnostic histopathologique de troubles de l’œil et des structures annexes
  • dresser la liste des traits histopathologiques caractéristiques de maladies ophtalmiques courantes
  • traiter de pathogénie, de manifestations cliniques, de diagnostics en laboratoire et de prise en charge de telles maladies

Séance I Conjonctive et cornée

Le mercredi 4 juin
Pièce : 303

Ben J. Glasgow, MD
S. Brownstein

Horaire et description
0800Mot d’introduction
Dr Godfrey Heathcote
0810Mycobacterium chelonae keratitis in a 3-decade-old graft
Dr. S. Brownstein with K. Jiang, K.A. Ali-Ridha, B. Toye, G. Mintsioulus (Ottawa)
0825Conjunctival cyst-like lesion
Guest Speaker: Dr. Ben Glasgow (Los Angeles)
0840Post-penetrating keratoplasty Fusarium endophthalmitis
Dr. K. Warrian with A. Oryschak, M.Ashenhurst (Calgary)
0855Reactive lymphoid hyperplasia of the conjunctiva: how good is our histopathologic diagnosis?
Dr. A. Alakeely with H. Alkatan, D. Edward (Riyadh)
0910Corneal mass
Dr. A. Al-Rajhi with H. Alkatan (Riyadh)
0925A case of insidious keratitis
Dr. A. Neufeld with C. D. Seamone, B. Maleki, J.G. Heathcote (Halifax)
0940A conjunctival papilloma?
Dr. A. Eneh with S. Baxter, J. Farmer (Kingston)
0955A medial mystery
Dr. M. Lee Wing with J. Safneck (Winnipeg)
1010Coffee break

Séance II Annexes de l'œil

Le mercredi 4 juin
Pièce : 303

G. Allaire

Horaire et description
1030A vanishing eyelid tumour
Dr. G.S. Allaire, R. Bruen, T.Q.T. Nguyen (Montréal)
1045Bumps on the eyelid
Dr. A. Al Khotani with A. Ali, W. Halliday (Toronto)
1100Adenocarcinoma of the lacrimal sac
Dr. G. Docherty with A. Oryschak, M. Ashenhurst (Calgary)
1115When is IgG4-related disease not IgG4-related disease?
Dr. M. Davies with D. Rossman, R. Reynolds, S. Rasmussen (Vancouver)
1130Review lecture: Merkel cell carcinoma
Dr. Noreen Walsh (Halifax)

Séance III Orbite et œil

Le mercredi 4 juin
Pièce : 303

V. White

Horaire et description
1300Basaloid orbital tumours
Dr. J. Farmer with S. Gilberg, D. Jordan (Ottawa)
1315The two faces of a lacrimal gland tumour
Dr. M. Hyrcza with S. Rasmussen, T. Thomson, P. Dolman, V. White (Vancouver)
1330A sandy mass in a young girl
Dr. Z. Mammo with M. Davies, S. Rasmussen, O. Popescu, D. Rossman, V. White (Vancouver)
1345Ocular malignant melanoma in First Nations patients: clinical aspects
Dr. A. Mis with V. Zherebitskiy, L. Bellan, C. Corless, S. Olson, J. Safneck (Winnipeg)
1400Ocular malignant melanoma in First Nations patients: clinicopathologic correlation and molecular findings
Dr. V. Zherebitskiy with A. Mis, L. Bellan, C. Corless, S. Olson, J. Safneck (Winnipeg)

Séance IV Œil

Le mercredi 4 juin
Pièce : 303

J.G. Heathcote

Horaire et description
1430Uveal lymphoma: features and management
Dr. H. Krema (Toronto)
1445A case of papilloedema
Dr. P. Blanco with D. Jordan, J. Farmer (Ottawa)
1500Recurrence of retinoblastoma in a 39-year-old man
Dr. E. Weis with L. Russell, F. Kherani, A. Kherani, J.G. Heathcote (Edmonton and Halifax)
1515Histopathology of retinoblastoma MYCN vs. RB gene
Dr. B. Eadie with K. Paton, V. White (Vancouver)
1530Is this a melanoma? Ciliary body lesion
Dr. K. Paton (Vancouver)
1545Intraocular tumour in a 6-year-old girl
Dr. J.G. Heathcote with G.R. Laroche, C. Archibald (Halifax)
1600Closing comments
1630Business meeting

Ben J. Glasgow
Ben J. Glasgow, MD