Canadian Association of Pediatric Ophthalmology

Vision screening in children

Le dimanche 27 juin, 0830-1000
Salle 204 AB

Gregg Lueder, MD

Patrick Hamel

� la fin de cette s�ance, les participants seront en mesure de :

  • �valuer les enfants qui devraient subir un examen de d�pistage et la fa�on de le faire
  • int�grer les connaissances acquises par le partage d'�tudes scientifiques, et d�crire les nouvelles constatations dans plusieurs domaines de recherche reli�s � la p�diatrie, notamment la myokymie et le strabisme convergeant
Patrick Hamel
0835Vision screening in the era of health care reform
Gregg Lueder
0903Can a photoscreener help us remotely evaluate and manage amblyopia?
Noelle S. Matta, Robert Arnold, Eric L. Singman, David I. Silbert
0916The feasibility of using a compact digital camera for the detection of red-reflex abnormalities in children
Alefia S. Merchant, Brenda Gallie, Helen Dimaras, Robert Downie, Vasudha Naresh, Jyoti Matalia, Ravindra Battu, Nasrin Najm-Tehrani, Kaushik Hegde, Mathew Kurian, Pradeep Banandur, Ashwin Mallipatna
0929Superior oblique myokymia: Diagnosis and management
Michael Flanders, Tariq Alshehri, Francois Evoy
0942Post-operative functional outcome in relation to age of onset and duration of misalignment in partially accomodative and non-accomodative esotropia
Toby Chan, Jacqueline R. Piggot, Inas Makar

Free papers

Le dimanche 27 juin, 1045-1215
Salle 204 AB

Patrick Hamel

� la fin de cette s�ance, les participants seront en mesure de :

  • int�grer les connaissances acquises par le partage d'�tudes scientifiques, et d�crire les nouvelles constatations dans plusieurs domaines de recherche reli�s � la p�diatrie, notamment la cellulite orbitaire et le strabisme
1045Automated measurement of small angle strabismus in the pediatric population
Jacky Yeung, Christina Leung, Brian Arthur
1058Ocular and systemic associations of against-the-rule astigmatism in children presenting to a tertiary referral hospital
Peter Kim, Salma KC Rai, Maryam Aroichane, Jane A. Gardiner, Christopher J. Lyons
1111When the ear turns the eye - Ophthalmic complications of pediatric otitis media
Peter Kim, Travis J. Pollock, Michael Sargeant, Maryam Aroichane,Christopher J. Lyons, Jane A. Gardiner
1124Re-evaluating the staging of orbital cellulitis utilizing computerized tomography
Tran D. Le, Susan Blaser, Feisal A. Adatia, Susan Richardson, Raymond J. Buncic, Eugene S. Liu
1139The shift in microbiology of pediatric periorbital cellulitis in the Haemophilus influenzae vaccine era
Tran D. Le, Feisal A. Adatia, Susan Richardson, Susan Blaser, Raymond J. Buncic, Eugene S. Liu
1145Canadian Association of Pediatric Ophthalmology: Business Meeting

Treatment of periocular hemangiomas

Le dimanche 27 juin, 1330-1500
Salle 204 AB

Gregg Lueder, MD

Patrick Hamel

� la fin de cette s�ance, les participants seront en mesure de :

  • comparer et mettre en contraste diff�rentes modalit�s de traitement pour l'h�mangiome p�rioculaire
  • int�grer les connaissances acquises par le partage d'�tudes scientifiques, et d�crire les nouvelles constatations dans plusieurs domaines de recherche reli�s � la p�diatrie, notamment le r�tinoblastome et la fibroplasie r�trocristallinienne
1330Update on the management of periocular hemangiomas
Gregg Lueder
1400Long term outcomes in Retinopathy of Prematurity in southwestern Ontario
Adnan Pirbhai, Sapna Sharan, Yiannis Iordanous, Cynthia Kenyon, Robert Orton, Lee Siebert, Tom Sheidow
1413Breaking down barriers in communicating complex Retinoblastoma information: Can pictures be the solution?
Hannah Chiu, Helen Dimaras, Robert Downie, Brenda Gallie
1426Computer-assisted image analysis of retinal vessel caliber and tortuosity in Retinopathy of Prematurity disease for the assessment of severity and treatment outcome
Crystal Sin Yi Cheung, Ziad Butty, Nasrin Najm-Tehrani, Wai-Ching Lam
1439The effect of neutral density filters during visual field and acuity testing in patients with strabismic amblyopia
Syed Y. Habeeb, Brian Arthur, Martin ten Hove
1452Award presentation: Best presentation and best poster

Gregg T. Lueder, MD

St. Louis Children's Hospital, Washington University School of Medicine, St. Louis, Missouri