Société canadienne de l'oculoplastie et de la chirurgie reconstructrice

Sujets oculoplastiques pour l'ophtalmologiste généraliste

Le samedi 15 juin 2013, 1330-1715

À la fin de la session, les participants pourront :

  • Intégrer les connaissances acquises grâce au partage des études scientifiques relatives à l'oculoplastie.
  • Décrire les procédures chirurgicales de remplacement en regard des affections oculoplastiques.
  • Exposer les stratégies de gestion relatives aux problèmes orbitaux délicats et compliqués ainsi qu'à leur gestion.

Prof. Dr. med. Christoph Hintschich, FEBO
Larry H. Allen

Larry H. Allen
1335Experience with medpor-coated tear drainage tube: a retrospective chart
Vasudha Gupta, Ritesh Gupta, Jerrod Kent, Yasser Khan
1342Probing without irrigation in children with congenital nasolacrimal duct obstruction
Gloria Isaza, Sourabh Arora
1356Surgical outcome of box-shaped frontalis sling in patients with oculopharyngeal muscular dystrophy
Evan Kalin, Liat Attas-Fox, Sheila Huang, François Codère
1403Small incision lid lengthening (SILL) technique for upper eyelid retraction
Jerrod Kent, Yasser Khan
1424Dermofat graft as a primary and secondary orbital implant
Christoph Hitschich
1545Vismodegib for periocular and orbital base carcinoma
Harmeet S. Gill, Eve E. Moscato, Anne Chang, Rona Z. Silkiss
1552The effects of size of hard palate mucosal grafts on posterior lamellar grafting for treatment of lower lid retraction
Sonul Mehta, James Oestreicher
1606Fixation of extraocular muscles to porous orbital implants using cyanoacrylate glue in patients undergoing enucleation
Daniel Warder, Vladimir Kratky
1613Optic neuropathy in thyroid eye disease: what are the results of the combined medial and lateral decompression technique
Catherine Baril, Yvonne Molgat, Denis Pouliot
1620Is there still a role for surgery in the management of orbital lymphangiomas?
Babak Maleki, François Codère
1637Late onset periocular soft tissue mass secondary to hyaluronic acid fillers: report of three cases
Nawaaz A. Nathoo, Steve Rasmussen, Peter J. Dolman, David Rossman
1644Camouflaging the eyelid cheek junction: a key to success with lower lid blepharoplasty
David Jordan
Femida Kherani
1715CSOPRS business meeting

Christoph Hintschich
Prof. Dr. med. Christoph Hintschich, FEBO