Jan-Tjeerd de Faber, MD |
Luis H. Ospina
1330 | Introduction
Luis H. Ospina |
1335 | Refractive surgery in children: Are you sure?
Patrick Hamel |
1355 | Discussion |
1400 | Laser refractive surgery in children: The Calgary experience
William Astle |
1425 | Discussion |
1430 | Surgery of congenital anterior segment anomalies
Jan-Tjeerd de Faber |
1455 | Discussion |
1500 | The comparative accuracy of four IOL power calculation formulae in pediatric eyes undergoing cataract surgery
Santa Heede, William F. Astle |
1507 | Discussion |
1512 | Parental comprehension following informed consent for pediatric cataract surgery
Vasudha Erraguntla, Irina Serbanescu, Sunita Vohra, Mohamed Abdolell, Martin McKneally, Alex V. Levin |
1519 | Discussion |
1525 | Break |
1530 | Business meeting |