Canadian Society of Oculoplastics & Reconstructive Surgery

Oculoplastic free papers

Wednesday June 27, 2012, 1330-1500 and 1545-1715
Harbour C

At the end of this session, participants will be able to:

  • Integrate knowledge gained from the sharing of scientific studies related to oculoplastics.
  • Describe alternate surgical procedures for oculoplastic disorders.
  • Outline management strategies for difficult and challenging orbital problems and their management.

Jonathan D. Trobe, MD
Larry H. Allen

1330 Introduction Larry H. Allen
1335Epiphora as an indicator of ocular surface disease in an Oculoplastics practice
Liat Attas-Fox, Bryan Arthurs
1342Cadaveric anatomical comparison of the lateral nasal wall after external and endonasal dacryocystorhinostomy
Dan Rootman, Dan DeAngelis, Nancy Tucker, Albert Wu, Jeff Hurwitz
1349External dacryocystorhinostomy without intubation: results of a single-center cohort study
Harmeet S. Gill, Stuart R. Seiff
1356Clinical, histopathological and microbiological characteristics of dacryoliths
Suryasnata Rath, Valerie A. White, Frank Buffam, Diane Roscoe
1410Clinical imaging of peribulbar and retrobulbar injections with high-resolution surface coil magnetic resonance imaging
D. Almeida, M.J. Belliveau, T. Enright, O. Oslan, S. El-Defrawy, J. Gale
1417The endoscopic transnasal approach to intraconal and apical orbital tumors - The Ottawa Experience, indications, risks and benefits
Steve Gilberg, Amin Kassam, Martin Corsten, Vivek Patel
1424Effect of orbital decompression on diplopia in thyroid-related orbitopathy
Norman Mainville, David Jordan
1440Cavernous sinus problems
Jonathan D. Trobe
1545Does frozen or permanent section control in surgical management of periocular nodular BCC's result in better histological and clinical outcomes?
Vladimir Kratky, Davin Johnson, Hussein Hollands, James Farmer
1552Serum cholesterol levels and chalazion
Galina Sholohov, Edsel Ing
1615Treatment of multiple apocrine hidrocystomas with Trichloroacetic acid
David R. Jordan
1622Blepharoplasty Swan Song
Royce L. Johnson
1629Aging Changes of the orbital septum: A pathological study
John Harvey, James Oestreicher, Dan DeAngelis, Jean-Claude Cutz, K. Jebodhsingh, Albert Wu, Keyvan Koushan. Sonul Mehta
1701CSOPRS Business Meeting - Full members

Jonathan D. Trobe, MD