COS-9 Current Concepts III

Friday June 29, 2012, 0800-1000
Metro West

At the end of this session, participants will be able to:

  • Integrate into their practice core concepts in the diagnosis and management of patients with age-related macular degeneration.
  • Discuss how to evaluate the angle using gonioscopy and newer imaging techniques.
  • Describe the indications of collagen cross linking and how this new procedure is performed.
  • Identify current and new approaches in diagnosing and treating vitreo-retinal lymphomas.

Andrew G. Lee, MD
Samuel Masket, MD
Jaqueline A. Leavitt, MD
Richard W. Hertle, MD
Anthony Aldave, MD
Avinoam B. Safran, MD
Geoffrey Tabin, MD
Canadian faculty
Sonia Yeung, MD

Allan R. Slomovic

Allan R. Slomovic
0805Seven easy steps in evaluating unexplained visual loss
Andrew G. Lee
0820The Human Optics artificial iris
Samuel Masket
0835Visual fields potpourri (with clinical/imaging correlation)
Jacqueline A. Leavitt
0850Intraocular lens in children: how low can we go?
Richard W. Hertle
0905Important considerations in the management of patients with Fuchs corneal endothelial dystrophy and cataracts
Anthony Aldave
0920The workup and management of patients presenting with symptomatic photophobia
Avinoam B. Safran
0935Treating world blindness in developing countries
Geoffrey Tabin
0950Royal College Award: Targeted delivery of magnetic cobalt nanoparticles to the eye following systemic administration
Sonia Yeung

Andrew G. Lee
Andrew G. Lee, MD

Samuel Masket, MD

Jacqueline Leavitt
Jacqueline A. Leavitt, MD

Richard W. Hertle
Richard W. Hertle, MD

Anthony Aldave, MD

Avinoam B. Safran, MD
Avinoam B. Safran, MD

Geoffrey Tabin, MD