Guest speaker: Taiji Sakamoto, MD, PhD

Professor and Chair
Kagoshima University
Kagoshima, Japan

Professor Sakamoto has more than 20 years of experience in the study of retinal diseases. He graduated from Kyushu University, Japan, and worked at Doheny Eye Institute, USC. He studied molecular pathology of retinal diseases and found new mechanism of retinal cell damage. Clinically, he developed triamcinolone-assisted vitrectomy, which has been favorably accepted especially in Japan. Furthermore, recently he found that OCT could predict the biochemical status of the eye, which opens a new avenue for a clinical use of OCT. He is now an executive committee member of Japanese Ophthalmological Society. He has received many awards, including Pfizer Ophtahlmic Awards, the Silver medal from ARVO, and the Doheny Scholars Awards among others. He is the member of Club Jules Gonin and the Retina Society. He has published 250 articles in peer reviewed journals. His publications have been cited more than 2000 times.

© Sally Letson Symposium, 2014