Guest speaker: R.V. Paul Chan, MD, FACS

St. Giles Associate Professor of Pediatric Retina
Director of the Retina Service
Weill Cornell Eye Associates
New York, New York

Dr. Chan is the St. Giles associate professor of pediatric retina and director of the Retina Service at Weill Cornell Medical College. His clinical expertise is in adult and pediatric retina, specifically retinopathy of prematurity (ROP). His research focuses on utilizing new technology and imaging techniques to better evaluate and manage pediatric retinal disease. He currently leads an international collaboration implementing web-based educational programs aimed at addressing the growing global burden of ROP. Dr. Chan is a member of the Macula Society, the Retina Society, an honorary member of the Thai Retina Society, and a founding member of the Vit-Buckle Society. He is very actively involved with the American Academy of Ophthalmology where he serves on the Ethics Committee, the Global ONE Advisory Board, and is the executive editor of the Global Ophthalmology (GO) Guide. He is also a member of the Board of Directors for the Pan-American Association of Ophthalmology. Dr. Chan is a dedicated educator involved with training residents and fellows in the United States and internationally, and is the vitreoretinal fellowship director at Weill Cornell Medical College.

© Sally Letson Symposium, 2014