Guest speaker: Derek Y. Kunimoto, MD, JD

Founding member and President of the Vit-Buckle Society
Partner, Retinal Consultants of Arizona
Mesa, Arizona

Derek Kunimoto graduated from Harvard College summa cum laude, and Harvard Medical School with honours. He received his law degree with honours from Oxford University on a Rhodes Scholarship. He was a medicine intern at Massachusetts General Hospital, and completed his residency at Wills Eye Hospital in Philadelphia, where he served as co-chief resident.

Dr. Kunimoto is a partner with Retinal Consultants of Arizona. He completed a 2-year vitreoretinal fellowship at Wills Eye Hospital, and was recognized as both a Heed Foundation Fellow and a Ronald G. Michels Fellow. Dr. Kunimoto has authored numerous peer-reviewed publications and two major ophthalmology textbooks, The Wills Eye Video Atlas of Ocular Surgery, and the 4th edition of The Wills Eye Manual. Dr. Kunimoto has been very active in the clinical research of retinal diseases, acting as Principal Investigator in over 10 clinical trials.

Dr. Kunimoto is a founding member and serves as president of the Vit-Buckle Society. Dr. Kunimoto served as president of the Phoenix Ophthalmological Society, and serves on the board of the Arizona Ophthalmological Society.

© Sally Letson Symposium, 2014