COS Advocacy & Public Awareness Fund

Thank you for your contributions to the COS Advocacy and Public Awareness Fund. Because of your generous support, the COS has been able to represent your voice to government, the public and other stakeholders. You can read our Advocacy Statement here.

Your contribution allows us to continually provide new resources and content for the  See The Possibilities public awareness campaign, increasing the profile of the profession among the public, government, media and others. 

Your support of the Fund allows the COS to continue its strong advocacy and public awareness work at a federal level, as well as empowering the provinces, subspecialty societies, and academic community with advocacy tools, training, and resources to help raise the profile of the profession. When we stand united, we have a more powerful voice on issues that affect our profession and the state of eye and vision health in Canada. 

As our way of saying thank you for your generosity and support, we want to publicly recognize our contributors below. 

To contribute to the COS Advocacy and Public Awareness Fund, please contact Rita Afeltra, Manager, Membership & Meeting Logistics at [email protected] or at: 613.729.6779, x300 for details. 

“As President of the COS and having been on the Board of Directors for 12 years, I have witnessed firsthand the incredible impact our advocacy efforts have on our profession and patients. Supporting the Advocacy Fund is not just about giving back; it’s about ensuring that our voices are heard and that we continue to advance the field of ophthalmology by protecting our profession, improving patient care, and staying ahead of legislative changes that affect our work. I am honoured to contribute to this cause and welcome others to join in supporting COS.”

Mona Dagher, MD, FRCSC, COS President

“Telling our story, speaking with one voice as experts in the medical and surgical treatment of eye disease, advocating on behalf of our patients, and improving the delivery of eye care to Canadians. These actions are vitally important to us as ophthalmologists to ensure that we continue to retain, and deserve, our pivotal position in the delivery of eye care, now and in the future. I support the advocacy activities of the COS, both with time and with money, to help them work with subspecialty societies, academia, and provincial associations to engage the public and government and have our voices heard. I would encourage you to do the same. Together we CAN make a difference.” 

Phil Hooper, MD, FRCSC

“Congratulations to the Board of Directors for initiating the COS Advocacy and Public Awareness Campaign. The great work done by those working in ophthalmology including clinical care, teaching and research has been a secret for far too long. Time to spread the news and further the benefits to our patients now and into the future.”

Daniel M. O’Brien, MD, FRCSC

“Contributing to the COS advocacy fund is important to me as I have relied on the COS as a resource in my dealings with my provincial medical society, the provincial government and the changing landscape of vision care delivery. The information provided to me as well as the leadership and guidance of the COS have helped me become a stronger voice for our specialty.” 

Ken Roberts, MD, FRCSC

“I would encourage all COS members to contribute to the Advocacy and Public Awareness Fund. As I enter my final 6 months as President of the COS, I have become more aware of the issues that affect our profession as a whole, in the immediate term but more importantly, into the future. There is no better time to work together, joining the efforts of the COS in raising the profile of Ophthalmology, ensuring that our voice is heard as we approach government at all levels, the media and the public. The ultimate result will be better patient care and the preservation of our Specialty.”

Guillermo Rocha, MD, FRCSC, FACS

“As a past president of the COS, I see the lasting value of supporting this fund because it is not only for us here now, but for the future generations of ophthalmology. Under the excellent leadership of Dr. Phil Hooper, I have seen the unity in our voices as ophthalmologists at the national level. There is no other advocacy body for ophthalmology in Canada and for this reason I strongly support this fund, this campaign, and the advocacy efforts of the COS.”

Allan R. Slomovic, MSc, MD, FRCSC

2024 contributors

Please note: Every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy and completeness of these important lists. We apologize for any errors or omissions.

In addition to the contributors listed below, we also thank those who donated $700 each, but wished to remain anonymous.

$1000+ contributors

  • Guy Boswall, MD
  • Mona Harissi-Dagher, MD
  • Glen Hoar, MD
  • Phil Hooper, MD
  • Colin Mann, MD
  • Adam Muzychuk, MD
  • Rusty Ritenour, MD
  • Vikas Sharma, MD
  • Geoff Williams, MD
  • Setareh Ziai, MD
  • $700-$999 contributors

  • Beatrice Adante, MD
  • Nina Ahuja, MD
  • Filiberto Altomare, MD
  • Chris Anjema, MD
  • Steve Arshinoff, MD
  • Behrooz Azizi, MD
  • Nupura Bakshi, MD
  • Ronald Baldassare, MD
  • Mark Bariciak, MD
  • Stephanie Baxter, MD
  • Geneviève Bazin, MD
  • Lorne Bellan, MD
  • Graham Belovay, MD
  • Alan Berger, MD
  • William Best, MD
  • Catherine Birt, MD
  • Mark Bona, MD
  • Andrew Boswall, MD
  • Stephen Brodovsky, MD
  • Robin Bruen, MD
  • Andrew Budning, MD
  • Matthew Bujak, MD
  • Heather Burnett, MD
  • Xavier Campos-Möller, MD
  • Monica Carrillo, MD
  • Emmanuelle Chalifoux, MD
  • Jeffrey Chambers, MD
  • Clara Chan, MD
  • Toby Chan, MD
  • Audrey Chan, MD
  • Varun Chaudhary, MD
  • Hall Chew, MD
  • King Chow, MD
  • Helen Chung, MD
  • Jean Chuo, MD
  • Ian Clark, MD
  • Kevin Colleaux, MD
  • Gilles Cormier, MD
  • Marie-Noël Corriveau, MD
  • Robin Cottle, MD
  • Andrew Crichton, MD
  • Olivia Dam, MD
  • Mahshad Darvish, MD
  • Alexandre De Saint Sardos, MD
  • Larissa Derzko-Dzulynsky, MD
  • Béatrice Des Marchais, MD
  • Gavin Docherty, MD
  • Michael Dorey, MD
  • Stephen Dorrepaal, MD
  • Stephanie Dotchin, MD
  • Ryan Eidsness, MD
  • Sherif El-Defrawy, MD
  • Anna Ells, MD
  • Catherine Eplett, MD
  • Murray Erasmus, MD
  • James Farmer, MD
  • Bryce Ford, MD
  • Annick Fournier, MD
  • Justin French, MD
  • Raul Garcia-Salinas, MD
  • Steven Gilberg, MD
  • Derek Godinho, MD
  • Patrick Gooi, MD
  • Malcolm Gooi, MD
  • Chloe Gottlieb, MD
  • Alain Grégoire, MD
  • Francois Guinard, MD
  • Claire Hamilton, MD
  • Christopher Hanson, MD
  • Vivian Hill, MD
  • Karen Hoar, MD
  • Bernard Hurley, MD
  • Cindy Hutnik, MD
  • Norman Hwang, MD
  • Aissa Iggui, MD
  • Yiannis Iordanous, MD
  • Christopher Jackman, MD
  • Andre Jastrzebski, MD
  • Delan Jinapriya, MD
  • David Johnson, MD
  • David Jordan, MD
  • Kam Kassiri, MD
  • Conrad Kavalec, MD
  • Stephen Kraft, MD
  • David Lederer, MD
  • Carla Lutchman, MD
  • Paul Mackenzie, MD
  • Avinash Mahindrakar, MD
  • Joshua Manusow, MD
  • Kristine Mayer, MD
  • Chryssa McAlister, MD
  • Kylen McReelis, MD
  • Garfield Miller, MD
  • Kamiar Mireskandari, MD
  • Andrew Mis, MD
  • Patrick Mitchell, MD
  • Rajender Mohandas, MD
  • Edward Moss, MD
  • Rajeev Muni, MD
  • Paul Murphy, MD
  • Jeremy Murphy, MD
  • Nawaaz Nathoo, MD
  • Anastasia Neufeld, MD
  • Marcelo Nicolela, MD
  • Lachelle Noftall, MD
  • Daniel O’Brien, MD
  • Michael O’Connor, MD
  • Lindsay Ong-Tone, MD
  • Hugh Parsons, MD
  • Murari Patodia, MD
  • Katherine Paton, MD
  • Nataly Pesin, MD
  • Adnan Pirbhai, MD
  • Paul Rafuse, MD
  • Jennifer Rahman, MD
  • Cory Ramstead, MD
  • Timothy Ratzlaff, MD
  • Michael Richards, MD
  • Rehan Riyaz, MD
  • Marie-Claude Robert, MD
  • Kenneth Roberts, MD
  • Johane Robitaille, MD
  • Guillermo Rocha, MD
  • Sylvia Rodriguez, MD
  • Marian Roesch, MD
  • Jamie Rogers, MD
  • Mélanie Roy, MD
  • Chris Rudnisky, MD
  • Hady Saheb, MD
  • Terence Sakamoto, MD
  • Arif Samad, MD
  • Marius Scheepers, MD
  • Robert Schertzer, MD
  • Kelly Schweitzer, MD
  • Esmael Sebbi, MD
  • Briar Sexton, MD
  • Rajeshvar Sharda, MD
  • Thomas Sheidow, MD
  • Hazel Shillingford-Ricketts, MD
  • Ali Shoughary, MD
  • Byron Silver, MD
  • Nirojini Sivachandran, MD
  • Allan Slomovic, MD
  • Leonard Smith, MD
  • Enitan Sogbesan, MD
  • Rebecca Stein, MD
  • Frank Stockl, MD
  • Yi Ning Strube, MD
  • Alexander Tan, MD
  • Joshua Teichman, MD
  • Matthew Tennant, MD
  • Roger Thomas, MD
  • David Tingey, MD
  • Aron Tischler, MD
  • John Van Der Zweep, MD
  • Devesh Varma, MD
  • Randy Walker, MD
  • Simon Warner, MD
  • James Whelan, MD
  • James Wiens, MD
  • David Wong, MD
  • Elaine Woo, MD
  • Hossam Yassein, MD
  • Sonia Yeung, MD
  • Jacky Yeung, MD
  • Vivian T. Yin, MD
  • Pavlina Youhnovska, MD
  • Tarek Youssef, MD
  • Darana Yuen, MD
  • Up to $699 contributors

  • Jane Gardiner, MD
  • Selwyn Abel, MD
  • Ravi Dookeran, MD
  • Laurent Lalonde, MD
    • David Plemel, MD
    • Azien Safarpour, MD
    • J. Chris Symonds, MD
    • 2023 contributors

      Note: Every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy and completeness of these important lists. We apologize for any errors or omissions.

      In addition to the contributors listed below, we also thank those who donated $700 each, but wished to remain anonymous.

      $1000+ contributors

      • Christopher Jackman, MD
      • Colin Mann, MD
      • Daniel O’Brien, MD
      • Guillermo Rocha, MD
      • Andrew Boswall, MD
      • Philip Hooper, MD

      $700-$999 contributors

      • Beatrice Adante, MD
      • Younes Agoumi, MD
      • Nina Ahuja, MD
      • Mohamed Albahiti, MD
      • Filiberto Altomare, MD
      • Chris Anjema, MD
      • Steve Arshinoff, MD
      • Michael Ashenhurst, MD
      • Kashif Baig, MD
      • Ronald Baldassare, MD
      • Mark Bariciak, MD
      • Stephanie Baxter, MD
      • Geneviève Bazin, MD
      • Darren Behn, MD
      • Lorne Bellan, MD
      • Graham Belovay, MD
      • Alan Berger, MD
      • William Best, MD
      • Catherine Birt, MD
      • John Blaylock, MD
      • Mark Bona, MD
      • Sheila Brazel, MD
      • Michael Brent, MD
      • Andrew Budning, MD
      • Xavier Campos-Möller, MD
      • Monica Carrillo, MD
      • Jeffrey Chambers, MD
      • Clara Chan, MD
      • Toby Chan, MD
      • Varun Chaudhary, MD
      • Hall Chew, MD
      • King Chow, MD
      • Jean Chuo, MD
      • Ian Clark, MD
      • Kevin Colleaux, MD
      • Gilles Cormier, MD
      • Marie-Noël Corriveau, MD
      • Robin Cottle, MD
      • Andrew Crichton, MD
      • Alan Cruess, MD
      • Olivia Dam, MD
      • Mahshad Darvish, MD
      • Alexandre De Saint Sardos, MD
      • Larissa Derzko-Dzulynsky, MD
      • Béatrice Des Marchais, MD
      • Gavin Docherty, MD
      • Ghulam Dogar, MD
      • Ravi Dookeran, MD
      • Michael Dorey, MD
      • Stephen Dorrepaal, MD
      • Stephanie Dotchin, MD
      • Ryan Eidsness, MD
      • Sherif El-Defrawy, MD
      • Anna Ells, MD
      • Catherine Eplett, MD
      • Murray Erasmus, MD
      • James Farmer, MD
      • Bryce Ford, MD
      • Annick Valérie Fournier, MD
      • Christopher Francis, MD
      • Justin French, MD
      • Raul Garcia-Salinas, MD
      • Jane Gardiner, MD
      • Steven Gilberg, MD
      • Derek Godinho, MD
      • Patrick Gooi, MD
      • Chloe Gottlieb, MD
      • Alain Grégoire, MD
      • Francois Guinard, MD
      • Christopher Hanson, MD
      • Isabelle Hardy, MD
      • Mona Harissi-Dagher, MD
      • Vivian Hill, MD
      • Bradley Hinz, MD
      • Glen Hoar, MD
      • Karen Hoar, MD
      • Simon Holland, MD
      • Bernard Hurley, MD
      • Cindy Hutnik, MD
      • Yiannis Iordanous, MD
      • Andre Jastrzebski, MD
      • Aaron Joe, MD
      • David Johnson, MD
      • David Jordan, MD
      • Conrad Kavalec, MD
      • Stephen Kraft, MD
      • Nathalie Labrecque, MD
      • Kevin Lachapelle, MD
      • Caroline Lajoie, MD
      • David Lederer, MD
      • Robert Leishman, MD
      • James Lewis, MD
      • Adrian Long, MD
      • Frederic Lord, MD
      • Carla Lutchman, MD
      • Paul Mackenzie, MD
      • Joshua Manusow, MD
      • Kristine Mayer, MD
      • Chryssa McAlister, MD
      • Kylen McReelis, MD
      • Garfield Miller, MD
      • Kamiar Mireskandari, MD
      • Andrew Mis, MD
      • Patrick Mitchell, MD
      • Rajender Mohandas, MD
      • Edward Moss, MD
      • Rajeev Muni, MD
      • Paul Murphy, MD
      • Jeremy Murphy, MD
      • Nawaaz Nathoo, MD
      • Anastasia Neufeld, MD
      • Marcelo Nicolela, MD
      • Lachelle Noftall, MD
      • Michael O’Connor, MD
      • Gerald O’Hanley, MD
      • Lindsay Ong-Tone, MD
      • Murari Patodia, MD
      • Nataly Pesin, MD
      • Michel Podtetenev, MD
      • Paul Rafuse, MD
      • Cory Ramstead, MD
      • Timothy Ratzlaff, MD
      • El-Karim Rhemtulla, MD
      • John Richards, MD
      • Rehan Riyaz, MD
      • Marie-Claude Robert, MD
      • Steve Roberts, MD
      • Kenneth Roberts, MD
      • Johane Robitaille, MD
      • Marian Roesch, MD
      • Jamie Rogers, MD
      • Mélanie Roy, MD
      • Chris Rudnisky, MD
      • Hady Saheb, MD
      • Terence Sakamoto, MD
      • Arif Samad, MD
      • Paul Savage, MD
      • Marius Scheepers, MD
      • Robert Schertzer, MD
      • Kelly Schweitzer, MD
      • Esmael Sebbi, MD
      • Briar Sexton, MD
      • Vikas Sharma, MD
      • Thomas Sheidow, MD
      • Ali Shoughary, MD
      • Byron Silver, MD
      • Rémy Simoneau, MD
      • Nirojini Sivachandran, MD
      • Allan Slomovic, MD
      • David Smith, MD
      • Leonard Smith, MD
      • Enitan Sogbesan, MD
      • Curtis Sorgini, MD
      • Gordon Squires, MD
      • Frank Stockl, MD
      • Yi Ning Strube, MD
      • Alexander Tan, MD
      • Fouad Tayfour, MD
      • James Taylor, MD
      • Patricia Teal, MD
      • Joshua Teichman, MD
      • Martin Ten Hove, MD
      • Matthew Tennant, MD
      • Roger Thomas, MD
      • David Tingey, MD
      • Aron Tischler, MD
      • John Van Der Zweep, MD
      • Devesh Varma, MD
      • Randy Walker, MD
      • Simon Warner, MD
      • Charlotte Wedge, MD
      • Ezekiel Weis, MD
      • James Whelan, MD
      • James Wiens, MD
      • Geoff Williams, MD
      • David Wong, MD
      • Peng Yan, MD
      • Hossam Yassein, MD
      • Natasha Yepes, MD
      • Sonia Yeung, MD
      • Jacky Yeung, MD
      • Vivian T. Yin, MD
      • Pavlina Youhnovska, MD
      • Tarek Youssef, MD
      • Setareh Ziai, MD

      Up to $699 contributors

      • Selwyn Abel, MD
      • Lulu Bursztyn, MD
      • Harpreet Gill, MD
      • Edsel Ing, MD
      • Lulu Bursztyn, MD
      • Annie Moreau, MD
      • Rasayi Mylankomo, MD
      • Katherine Paton, MD

      2022 contributors

      Note: Every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy and completeness of these important lists. We apologize for any errors or omissions.

      In addition to the contributors listed below, we also thank those who donated $700 each, but wished to remain anonymous.

      $1000+ contributors

      • Guy Boswall, MD
      • Chris Rudnisky, MD
      • Colin Mann, MD
      • Vikas Sharma, MD

      $700-$999 contributors

      • Beatrice Adante, MD
      • Feisal Adatia, MD
      • Younes Agoumi, MD
      • Nina Ahuja, MD
      • Mohamed Albahiti, MD
      • David Albiani, MD
      • Larry Allen, MD
      • Chris Anjema, MD
      • Steve Arshinoff, MD
      • Michael Ashenhurst, MD
      • Kashif Baig, MD
      • Nupura Bakshi, MD
      • Ronald Baldassare, MD
      • Mark Bariciak, MD
      • Stephanie Baxter, MD
      • Geneviève Bazin, MD
      • Darren Behn, MD
      • Lorne Bellan, MD
      • Graham Belovay, MD
      • Alan Berger, MD
      • William Best, MD
      • Adil Bhatti, MD
      • Catherine Birt, MD
      • Mark Bona, MD
      • Andrew Boswall, MD
      • Sheila Brazel, MD
      • Michael Brent, MD
      • William Britton, Jr., MD
      • Andrew Budning, MD
      • Todd Buglass, MD
      • Xavier Campos-Möller, MD
      • Anthony Carlsson, MD
      • Jeffrey Chambers, MD
      • Stanley Chan, MD
      • Clara Chan, MD
      • Toby Chan, MD
      • Audrey Chan, MD
      • Varun Chaudhary, MD
      • Hall Chew, MD
      • King Chow, MD
      • Jean Chuo, MD
      • Ian Clark, MD
      • Kevin Colleaux, MD
      • Gilles Cormier, MD
      • Robin Cottle, MD
      • Alan Cruess, MD
      • Olivia Dam, MD
      • Mahshad Darvish, MD
      • Alexandre De Saint Sardos, MD
      • Larissa Derzko-Dzulynsky, MD
      • Béatrice Des Marchais, MD
      • Ghulam Dogar, MD
      • Ravi Dookeran, MD
      • Michael Dorey, MD
      • Stephen Dorrepaal, MD
      • Stephanie Dotchin, MD
      • Brennan Eadie, MD
      • Michael Easterbrook, MD
      • Ryan Eidsness, MD
      • Sherif El-Defrawy, MD
      • Anna Ells, MD
      • Catherine Eplett, MD
      • Murray Erasmus, MD
      • Yousef Fakhry, MD
      • James Farmer, MD
      • Bryce Ford, MD
      • Côme Fortin, MD
      • Annick Valérie Fournier, MD
      • Christopher Francis, MD
      • Justin French, MD
      • Sebastien Gagné, MD
      • Raul Garcia-Salinas, MD
      • Steven Gilberg, MD
      • Derek Godinho, MD
      • Patrick Gooi, MD
      • Chloe Gottlieb, MD
      • Alain Grégoire, MD
      • Francois Guinard, MD
      • Mostafa Hanout, MD
      • Christopher Hanson, MD
      • Isabelle Hardy, MD
      • Mona Harissi-Dagher, MD
      • Vivian Hill, MD
      • Bradley Hinz, MD
      • Glen Hoar, MD
      • Karen Hoar, MD
      • Jenny Hodges, MD
      • Simon Holland, MD
      • Hussein Hollands, MD
      • Philip Hooper, MD
      • Bernard Hurley, MD
      • Jonathan Hurst, MD
      • Cindy Hutnik, MD
      • Yiannis Iordanous, MD
      • Christopher Jackman, MD
      • Andre Jastrzebski, MD
      • Aaron Joe, MD
      • David Johnson, MD
      • David Jordan, MD
      • Conrad Kavalec, MD
      • Kevin Lachapelle, MD
      • Caroline Lajoie, MD
      • David Lederer, MD
      • Robert Leishman, MD
      • James Lewis, MD
      • Gisèle Li, MD
      • Frederic Lord, MD
      • Joshua Manusow, MD
      • Kristine Mayer, MD
      • Chryssa McAlister, MD
      • Garfield Miller, MD
      • Kamiar Mireskandari, MD
      • Andrew Mis, MD
      • Rajender Mohandas, MD
      • Karen Moosbrugger, MD
      • Edward Moss, MD
      • Paul Murphy, MD
      • Jeremy Murphy, MD
      • Nawaaz Nathoo, MD
      • David Neima, MD
      • Anastasia Neufeld, MD
      • Marcelo Nicolela, MD
      • Lachelle Noftall, MD
      • Daniel O’Brien, MD
      • Michael O’Connor, MD
      • Sean O’Leary, MD
      • Lindsay Ong-Tone, MD
      • Hugh Parsons, MD
      • Murari Patodia, MD
      • Victor Pegado, MD
      • Nataly Pesin, MD
      • Adnan Pirbhai, MD
      • Michel Podtetenev, MD
      • Louis Racine, MD
      • Paul Rafuse, MD
      • Cory Ramstead, MD
      • Michael Richards, MD
      • Rehan Riyaz, MD
      • Marie-Claude Robert, MD
      • Kenneth Roberts, MD
      • Johane Robitaille, MD
      • Guillermo Rocha, MD
      • Marian Roesch, MD
      • Jamie Rogers, MD
      • Mélanie Roy, MD
      • Azien Safarpour, MD
      • Terence Sakamoto, MD
      • Arif Samad, MD
      • Paul Savage, MD
      • Robert Schertzer, MD
      • Blair Schoales, MD
      • Kelly Schweitzer, MD
      • Esmael Sebbi, MD
      • Briar Sexton, MD
      • Sanjay Sharma, MD
      • Thomas Sheidow, MD
      • Ali Shoughary, MD
      • Byron Silver, MD
      • Rémy Simoneau, MD
      • Allan Slomovic, MD
      • David Smith, MD
      • Leonard Smith, MD
      • Donna Smythe, MD
      • Enitan Sogbesan, MD
      • Frank Stockl, MD
      • Yi Ning Strube, MD
      • J. Chris Symonds, MD
      • Alexander Tan, MD
      • James Taylor, MD
      • Joshua Teichman, MD
      • Martin Ten Hove, MD
      • Matthew Tennant, MD
      • Roger Thomas, MD
      • David Tingey, MD
      • Aron Tischler, MD
      • Julie Vadboncoeur, MD
      • John Van Der Zweep, MD
      • Devesh Varma, MD
      • J. Roberts Walker, MD
      • Randy Walker, MD
      • Ian Walwyn, MD
      • Simon Warner, MD
      • Ezekiel Weis, MD
      • Colten Wendel, MD
      • James Whelan, MD
      • Geoff Williams, MD
      • David Wong, MD
      • Elaine Woo, MD
      • Peng Yan, MD
      • Hossam Yassein, MD
      • Ryan Yau, MD
      • Natasha Yepes, MD
      • Sonia Yeung, MD
      • Jacky Yeung, MD
      • Vivian T. Yin, MD
      • Tarek Youssef, MD
      • Setareh Ziai, MD

      Up to $699 contributors

      • Selwyn Abel, MD
      • Nancy Epstein, MD
      • Monica Carrillo, MD
      • Anne Faucher, MD
      • Harpreet Gill, MD
      • Patricia Hinton, MD
      • Hubert Landry, MD
      • Janette Lindley, MD

      2021 contributors

      Note: Every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy and completeness of these important lists. We apologize for any errors or omissions.

      In addition to the contributors listed below, we also thank those who donated $700 each, but wished to remain anonymous.

      $1000+ contributors

      • Guy Boswall, MD
      • Andrew Boswall, MD
      • Alexander De Saint Sardos, MD
      • Philip Hooper, MD
      • Colin Mann, MD
      • Michael O’Connor, MD
      • Jennifer Rahman, MD
      • James Taylor, MD

      $700-$999 contributors

      • Younes Agoumi, MD
      • Mohamed Albahiti, MD
      • David Albiani, MD
      • Zayed Alenezi, MD
      • Filiberto Altomare, MD
      • Chris Anjema, MD
      • Jean Daniel Arbour, MD
      • Curtis Archibald, MD
      • Steve Arshinoff, MD
      • Michael Ashenhurst, MD
      • Jasrajbir Baath, MD
      • Ronald Baldassare, MD
      • Malcolm Banks, MD
      • Mark Bariciak, MD
      • Stephanie Baxter, MD
      • Geneviève Bazin, MD
      • Darren Behn, MD
      • Caroline Bélanger, MD
      • Lorne Bellan, MD
      • Graham Belovay, MD
      • Alan Berger, MD
      • William Best, MD
      • Catherine Birt, MD
      • Maurice Bissada, MD
      • Daniel Ovid Black, MD
      • John Blaylock, MD
      • Mark Bona, MD
      • Serge Bourgault, MD
      • Tanguy Boutin, MD
      • Michael Brent, MD
      • Stephen Brodovsky, MD
      • Andrew Budning, MD
      • Todd Buglass, MD
      • Xavier Campos-Möller, MD
      • Monica Carrillo, MD
      • Guillaume Chabot, MD
      • Jeffrey Chambers, MD
      • Stanley Chan, MD
      • Toby Chan, MD
      • Hall Chew, MD
      • Trevor Chin Fook, MD
      • King Chow, MD
      • Ian Clark, MD
      • Kevin Colleaux, MD
      • Alan Cruess, MD
      • Olivia Dam, MD
      • Mahshad Darvish, MD
      • Larissa Derzko-Dzulynsky, MD
      • Béatrice Des Marchais, MD
      • Ghulam Dogar, MD
      • Michael Dollin, MD
      • Ravi Dookeran, MD
      • Michael Dorey, MD
      • Stephen Dorrepaal, MD
      • Stephanie Dotchin, MD
      • Marianne Edwards, MD
      • Sherif El-Defrawy, MD
      • Anna Ells, MD
      • Catherine Eplett, MD
      • James Farmer, MD
      • Anne Faucher, MD
      • Donald Fiander, MD
      • Bryce Ford, MD
      • Côme Fortin, MD
      • Annick Valérie Fournier, MD
      • Christopher Francis, MD
      • Justin French, MD
      • Mark Gans, MD
      • Raul Garcia-Salinas, MD
      • Jane Gardiner, MD
      • Steven Gilberg, MD
      • Harpreet Gill, MD
      • Derek Godinho, MD
      • Julius Gomolin, MD
      • Chloe Gottlieb, MD
      • Alain Grégoire, MD
      • Francois Guinard, MD
      • Christopher Hanson, MD
      • Isabelle Hardy, MD
      • Mona Harissi-Dagher, MD
      • Lisa Heckler, MD
      • Elise Héon, MD
      • Bradley Hinz, MD
      • Glen Hoar, MD
      • Simon Holland, MD
      • Hussein Hollands, MD
      • Bernard Hurley, MD
      • Cindy Hutnik, MD
      • Yiannis Iordanous, MD
      • Alfonso Iovieno, MD
      • Mary Louise Jackson, MD
      • Andre Jastrzebski, MD
      • David Johnson, MD
      • David Jordan, MD
      • Conrad Kavalec, MD
      • Sylvia Kogan, MD
      • Stephen Kraft, MD
      • Morley Kutzner, MD
      • G. Robert La Roche, MD
      • Kevin Lachapelle, MD
      • Caroline Lajoie, MD
      • Olivier Lasnier, MD
      • Francis Law, MD
      • Christine Law, MD
      • David Lederer, MD
      • Richard Léger, MD
      • Brian Leonard, MD
      • Christina Leung, MD
      • James Lewis, MD
      • Janette Lindley, MD
      • Frederic Lord, MD
      • Carla Lutchman, MD
      • Mark Mandell, MD
      • Joshua Manusow, MD
      • Mathen Mathen, MD
      • Kristine Mayer, MD
      • Chryssa McAlister, MD
      • John McWhae, MD
      • M. David Mervitz, MD
      • Kamiar Mireskandari, MD
      • Andrew Mis, MD
      • Anuradha Mishra, MD
      • Rajender Mohandas, MD
      • Karen Moosbrugger, MD
      • Edward Moss, MD
      • Paul Murphy, MD
      • Nawaaz Nathoo, MD
      • Anastasia Neufeld, MD
      • Marcelo Nicolela, MD
      • Samuel Nisbett, MD
      • Jason Noble, MD
      • Lachelle Noftall, MD
      • Daniel O’Brien, MD
      • Sean O’Leary, MD
      • Alejandro Oliver, MD
      • Lindsay Ong-Tone, MD
      • Nataly Pesin, MD
      • Adnan Pirbhai, MD
      • Steven Poleski, MD
      • Paul Rafuse, MD
      • Cory Ramstead, MD
      • Nigel Rawlings, MD
      • Megan Rees, MD
      • Henry Reis, MD
      • Michael Richards, MD
      • Rehan Riyaz, MD
      • Marie-Claude Robert, MD
      • Steve Roberts, MD
      • Kenneth Roberts, MD
      • Johane Robitaille, MD
      • Guillermo Rocha, MD
      • Marian Roesch, MD
      • Jamie Rogers, MD
      • Mélanie Roy, MD
      • Chris Rudnisky, MD
      • Jacob Rullo, MD
      • Azien Safarpour, MD
      • Hady Saheb, MD
      • Terence Sakamoto, MD
      • Arif Samad, MD
      • Paul Savage, MD
      • Robert Schertzer, MD
      • Kelly Schweitzer, MD
      • Robert Scott, MD
      • Briar Sexton, MD
      • Thomas Sheidow, MD
      • Ali Shoughary, MD
      • Byron Silver, MD
      • Rémy Simoneau, MD
      • Allan Slomovic, MD
      • David Smith, MD
      • Donna Smythe, MD
      • Enitan Sogbesan, MD
      • Sohel Somani, MD
      • Frank Stockl, MD
      • Yi Ning Strube, MD
      • Rosanne Superstein, MD
      • Alexander Tan, MD
      • Fouad Tayfour, MD
      • Joshua Teichman, MD
      • Martin Ten Hove, MD
      • Roger Thomas, MD
      • Aron Tischler, MD
      • Daniela Toffoli, MD
      • Todd Urton, MD
      • Julie Vadboncoeur, MD
      • John Van Der Zweep, MD
      • J. Roberts Walker, MD
      • Randy Walker, MD
      • Simon Warner, MD
      • Charlotte Wedge, MD
      • Ezekiel Weis, MD
      • Charles Weldon, MD
      • James Whelan, MD
      • James Wiens, MD
      • Geoff Williams, MD
      • David Wong, MD
      • Elaine Woo, MD
      • Peng Yan, MD
      • Hossam Yassein, MD
      • Natasha Yepes, MD
      • Jacky Yeung, MD
      • Vivian T. Yin, MD
      • Pavlina Youhnovska, MD
      • Tarek Youssef, MD
      • Darana Yuen, MD
      • Setareh Ziai, MD
      • James Znajda, MD

      2020 contributors

      $1000+ contributors

      • Chris Anjema, MD
      • Stephanie Baxter, MD
      • Yvonne Buys, MD
      • Ravi Dookeran, MD
      • Côme Fortin, MC
      • Jitendra Gohill, MD
      • Mona Harissi-Dagher, MD
      • Philip Hooper, MD
      • Christopher Jackman, MD
      • Colin Mann, MD
      • Andrew Mis, MD
      • Michael O’Connor, MD
      • Guillermo Rocha, MD
      • Terence Sakamoto, MD
      • Geoff Williams, MD

      $700-$999 contributors

      • Selwyn Abel, MD
      • Beatrice Adante, MD
      • Feisal Adatia, MD
      • Younes Agoumi, MD
      • Nina Ahuja, MD
      • Mohamed Albahiti, MD
      • Curtis Archibald, MD
      • Steve Arshinoff, MD
      • Ronald Baldassare, MD
      • Malcolm Banks, MD
      • Geneviève Bazin, MD
      • Lorne Bellan, MD
      • Graham Belovay, MD
      • Alan Berger, MD
      • William Best, MD
      • Catherine Birt, MD
      • Mark Bona, MD
      • Andrew Boswall, MD
      • Serge Bourgault, MD
      • Michael Brent, MD
      • Stephen Brodovsky, MD
      • Andrew Budning, MD
      • Todd Buglass, MD
      • Lulu Bursztyn, MD
      • Robert Campbell, MD
      • Xavier Campos, MD
      • Anthony Carlsson, MD
      • Monica Carrillo, MD
      • Jeffrey Chambers, MD
      • Brian Chan, MD
      • Clara Chan, MD
      • Stanley Chan, MD
      • Toby Chan, MD
      • Hall Chew, MD
      • King Chow, MD
      • Kevin Colleaux, MD
      • Andrew Crichton, MD
      • Alan Cruess, MD
      • Mahshad Darvish, MD
      • Erin Demmings, MD
      • Larissa Derzko-Dzulynsky, MD
      • Michael Dollin, MD
      • Michael Dorey, MD
      • Stephen Dorrepaal, MD
      • Stephanie Dotchin, MD
      • Anne Drysdale, MD
      • Derek Dunphy, MD
      • Renaud Duval, MD
      • Sherif El-Defrawy, MD
      • Catherine Eplett, MD
      • James Farmer, MD
      • Anne Faucher, MD
      • Michael Fielden, MD
      • Bryce Ford, MD
      • Annick Valérie Fournier, MD
      • Paul Freund, MD
      • Mark Gans, MD
      • Jane Gardiner, MD
      • Steven Gilberg, MD
      • Derek Godinho, MD
      • Malcolm Gooi, MD
      • Chloe Gottlieb, MD
      • Alain Grégoire, MD
      • Francois Guinard, MD
      • Amitabha Gupta, MD
      • R. Rishi Gupta, MD
      • John Hamilton, MD
      • Mostafa Hanout, MD
      • Christopher Hanson, MD
      • Isabelle Hardy, MD
      • Lisa Heckler, MD
      • Patricia Hinton, MD
      • Bradley Hinz, MD
      • Eugene Hladky, MD
      • Glen Hoar, MD
      • Jenny Hodges, MD
      • Hussein Hollands, MD
      • Bernard Hurley, MD
      • Johnathan Hurst, MD
      • Cindy Hutnik, MD
      • Alfonso Iovieno, MD
      • Mary Louise Jackson, MD
      • Aaron Joe, MD
      • David Johnson, MD
      • Conrad Kavalec, MD
      • Radha Kohly, MD
      • Stephen Kosar, MD
      • Keyvan Koushan, MD
      • Stephen Kraft, MD
      • Morley Kutzner, MD
      • Kevin Lachapelle, MD
      • Alain Laplante, MD
      • G. Robert La Roche, MD
      • Patricia-Ann Laughrea, MD
      • Christine Law, MD
      • David Lederer, MD
      • Marie Eve Légaré, MD
      • Robert Leishman, MD
      • Andrea Leung, MD
      • Christina Leung, MD
      • David Lewis, MD
      • James Lewis, MD
      • Gisèle Li, MD
      • Myrna Lichter, MD
      • Tony Lin, MD
      • Janette Lindley, MD
      • Susan Lindley, MD
      • Carla Lutchman, MD
      • Michèle Mabon, MD
      • Paul Mackenzie, MD
      • Mark Mandell, MD
      • Joshua Manusow, MD
      • Jeffrey Martow, MD
      • Mathen Mathen, MD
      • Kristine Mayer, MD
      • James McCabe, MD
      • J. Christopher McDonald, MD
      • Robert McMahon, MD
      • Frederick Mikelberg, MD
      • Garfield Miller, MD
      • Kamiar Mireskandari, MD
      • Anuradha Mishra, MD
      • Rajender Mohandas, MD
      • Yvonne Molgat, MD
      • Lys Montas, MD
      • Karen Moosbrugger, MD
      • Edward Moss, MD
      • Nawaaz Nathoo, MD
      • Anastasia Neufeld, MD
      • Navdeep Nijhawan, MD
      • Jason Noble, MD
      • Lachelle Noftall, MD
      • Daniel O’Brien, MD
      • Sean O’Leary, MD
      • Lindsay Ong-Tone, MD
      • Katherine Paton, MD
      • Nataly Pesin, MD
      • Carl Peters, MD
      • Adnan Pirbhai, MD
      • Michel Podtetenev, MD
      • Alain Proulx, MD
      • Paul Rafuse, MD
      • Jennifer Rahman, MD
      • Cory Ramstead, MD
      • Mahta Rasouli, MD
      • Michael Richards, MD
      • Rusty Ritenour, MD
      • Rehan Riyaz, MD
      • Marie-Claude Robert, MD
      • Kenneth Roberts, MD
      • Steve Roberts, MD
      • Johane Robitaille, MD
      • Sylvia Rodriquez, MD
      • Jamie Rogers, MD
      • Mélanie Roy, MD
      • Chris Rudnisky, MD
      • Arif Samad, MD
      • Paul Savage, MD
      • Robert Schertzer, MD
      • Blair Schoales, MD
      • Kelly Schweitzer, MD
      • Robert Scott, MD
      • Esmael Sebbi, MD
      • Raymond Seto, MD
      • Briar Sexton, MD
      • Rajeshvar Sharda, MD
      • Thomas Sheidow, MD
      • Nir Shoham-Hazon, MD
      • Ali Shoughary, MD
      • Byron Silver, MD
      • Carolyn Skov, MD
      • Allan Slomovic, MD
      • Donna Smythe, MD
      • Enitan Sogbesan, MD
      • Sohel Somani, MD
      • Curtis Sorgini, MD
      • Zakaria Tadrous, MD
      • Alexander Tan, MD
      • James Taylor, MD
      • Joshua Teichman, MD
      • Martin ten Hove, MD
      • Matthew Tennant, MD
      • Roger Thomas, MD
      • David Tingey, MD
      • Aron Tischler, MD
      • John van der Zweep, MD
      • Devesh Varma, MD
      • Christopher Waite, MD
      • Randy Walker, MD
      • Charlotte Wedge, MD
      • Ezekiel Weis, MD
      • James Whelan, MD
      • David Wong, MD
      • Jonathan Wong, MD
      • Hossam Yassein, MD
      • George Yearsley, MD
      • Jacky Yeung, MD
      • Pavlina Youhnovska, MD
      • Tarek Youssef, MD
      • Darana Yuen, MD
      • Barend Zack, MD

      2019 contributors

      $1000+ contributors

      • Chris Anjema, MD
      • Stephanie Baxter, MD
      • Guy Boswell, MD
      • Todd Buglass, MD
      • Yvonne Buys, MD
      • Ravi Dookeran, MD
      • Côme Fortin, MD
      • Jitendra Gohill, MD
      • Mona Harissi-Dagher, MD
      • Philip Hooper, MD
      • Christopher Jackman, MD
      • Amin Kherani, MD
      • Steve Levasseur, MD
      • Colin Mann, MD
      • Andrew Mis, MD
      • Michael O’Connor, MD
      • Jennifer Rahman, MD
      • Kenneth Roberts, MD
      • Guillermo Rocha, MD
      • Terence Sakamoto, MD
      • Briar Sexton, MD
      • James Taylor, MD
      • Geoff Williams, MD
      • Setareh Ziai, MD

      $700-$999 contributors

      • Selwyn Abel, MD
      • Beatrice Adante, MD
      • Feisal Adatia, MD
      • Younes Agoumi, MD
      • Nina Ahuja, MD
      • Chris Anjema, MD
      • Curtis Archibald, MD
      • Steve Arshinoff, MD
      • Michael Ashenhurst, MD
      • Stephen Baker, MD
      • Ronald Baldassare, MD
      • Malcolm Banks, MD
      • Mark Bariciak, MD
      • Julia Baryla, MD
      • Stephanie Baxter, MD
      • Geneviève Bazin, MD
      • Lorne Bellan, MD
      • Michel Belliveau, MD
      • Graham Belovay, MD
      • Alan Berger, MD
      • Jamie Bhamra, MD
      • Adil Bhatti, MD
      • Catherine Birt, MD
      • Mark Bona, MD
      • Andrew Boswall, MD
      • Serge Bourgault, MD
      • Shelley Boyd, MD
      • Lori Bramwell, MD
      • Sheila Brazel, MD
      • Michael Brent, MD
      • Stephen Brodovsky, MD
      • Matthew Brucks, MD
      • Andrew Budning, MD
      • Matthew Bujak, MD
      • J. Ray Buncic, MD
      • Heather Burnett, MD
      • Lulu Bursztyn, MD
      • Robert Campbell, MD
      • Xavier Campos, MD
      • Anthony Carlsson, MD
      • Jean Carruthers, MD
      • Guillaume Chabot, MD
      • Hernando Chacon-Andrade, MD
      • Jeffrey Chambers, MD
      • Brian Chan, MD
      • Clara Chan, MD
      • Stanley Chan, MD
      • Toby Chan, MD
      • Varun Chaudhary, MD
      • David Chevrette, MD
      • King Chow, MD
      • Lica Chui, MD
      • Ian Clark, MD
      • Kevin Colleaux, MD
      • Alan Cruess, MD
      • Brian Curran, MD
      • Mahshad Darvish, MD
      • Alexandre de Saint Sardos, MD
      • Walter Delpero, MD
      • Erin Demmings, MD
      • Larissa Derzko-Dzulynsky, MD
      • Béatrice Des Marchais, MD
      • Dharminder Dhanda, MD
      • Ravi Dookeran, MD
      • Michael Dorey, MD
      • Stephanie Dotchin, MD
      • Anne Drysdale, MD
      • Derek Dunphy, MD
      • Sherif El-Defrawy, MD
      • Catherine Eplett, MD
      • Murray Erasmus, MD
      • James Farmer, MD
      • Michael Fielden, MD
      • Bryce Ford, MD
      • Éric Fortin, MD
      • Annick Valérie Fournier, MD
      • Sebastien Gagné, MD
      • Mark Gans, MD
      • Jane Gardiner, MD
      • Steven Gilberg, MD
      • Harpreet Gill, MD
      • Derek Godinho, MD
      • William Goodine, MD
      • Chloe Gottlieb, MD
      • Alain Grégoire, MD
      • François Guinard, MD
      • Amitabha Gupta, MD
      • R. Rishi Gupta, MD
      • Patrick Hamel, MD
      • John Hamilton, MD
      • Christopher Hanson, MD
      • Isabelle Hardy, MD
      • Lisa Heckler, MD
      • Bradley Hinz, MD
      • Eugene Hladky, MD
      • Glen Hoar, MD
      • Karen Hoar, MD
      • Hussein Hollands, MD
      • Bernard Hurley, MD
      • Jonathan Hurst, MD
      • Cindy Hutnik, MD
      • Yiannis Iordanous, MD
      • Mary Louise Jackson, MD
      • Robert Javidi, MD
      • Delan Jinapriya, MD
      • David Johnson, MD
      • Conrad Kavalec, MD
      • Peter Kertes, MD
      • Andrew Kirker, MD
      • Stephen Kosar, MD
      • Morley Kutzner, MD
      • Marion Luise Kvasnicka, MD
      • Nathalie Labrecque
      • Keven Lachapelle, MD
      • Lisa Lagrou, MD
      • Alain Laplante, MD
      • G. Robert LaRoche, MD
      • Maxime Laroche, MD
      • Patricia-Ann Laughrea, MD
      • David Lederer, MD
      • Andrea Leung, MD
      • Christina Leung, MD
      • James Lewis, MD
      • Myrna Lichter, MD
      • Janette Lindley, MD
      • Andrew Lukaris, MD
      • Paul Mackenzie, MD
      • Joshua Manusow, MD
      • Jeffrey Martow, MD
      • Mathen Mathen, MD
      • Kristine Mayer, MD
      • James McCabe, MD
      • J. Christopher McDonald, MD
      • Ian McIlraith, MD
      • John McLaughlin, MD
      • Robert McMahon, MD
      • John McWhae, MD
      • Andrew Merkur, MD
      • Frederick Mikelberg, MD
      • Garfield Miller, MD
      • Kamiar Mireskandari, MD
      • Rajender Mohandas, MD
      • Yvonne Molgat, MD
      • Karen Moosbrugger, MD
      • Edward Moss, MD
      • Brad Murphy, MD
      • Paul Murphy, MD
      • Thomas Nagy, MD
      • Nawaaz Nathoo, MD
      • Anastasia Neufeld, MD
      • Marcelo Nicolela, MD
      • Navdeep Nijhawan, MD
      • Jason Noble, MD
      • Lachelle Noftall, MD
      • Ravi Nrusimhadevara, MD
      • Daniel O’Brien, MD
      • Sean O’Leary, MD
      • Lindsay Ong-Tone, MD
      • Hugh Parsons, MD
      • Murari Patodia, MD
      • Victor Pegado, MD
      • Robert Pekush, MD
      • Nataly Pesin, MD
      • Carl Peters, MD
      • Adnan Pirbhai, MD
      • Michel Podtetenev, MD
      • Michael Quigley, MD
      • Paul Rafuse, MD
      • Cory Ramstead, MD
      • Mahta Rasouli, MD
      • Raj Rathee, MD
      • Nigel Rawlings, MD
      • Rusty Ritenour, MD
      • Rehan Riyaz, MD
      • Marie-Claude Robert, MD
      • Steve Roberts, MD
      • Johane Robitaille, MD
      • Jamie Rogers, MD
      • Mélanie Roy, MD
      • Mili Roy, MD
      • Chris Rudnisky, MD
      • Arif Samad, MD
      • Paul Savage, MD
      • Steven Schendel, MD
      • Blair Schoales, MD
      • Kelly Schweitzer, MD
      • Robert Scott, MD
      • Esmael Sebbi, MD
      • Raymond Seto, MD
      • Thomas Sheidow, MD
      • Stanley Shortt, MD
      • Ali Shoughary, MD
      • Paul Shuckett, MD
      • Dayle Sigesmund, MD
      • Byron Silver, MD
      • Rémy Simoneau, MD
      • Carolyn Skov, MD
      • Allan Slomovic, MD
      • Donna Smythe, MD
      • Enitan Sogbesan, MD
      • Carlos Solarte-Thomas, MD
      • Sohel Somani, MD
      • Curtis Sorgini, MD
      • Jeff Steeves, MD
      • Frank Stockl, MD
      • Alexander Tan, MD
      • Joshua Teichman, MD
      • Martin ten Hove, MD
      • Matthew Tennant, MD
      • Aron Tischler, MD
      • Graham Trope, MD
      • John van der Zweep, MD
      • Devesh Varma, MD
      • Christopher Waite, MD
      • J. Roberts Walker, MD
      • Randy Walker, MD
      • Charlotte Wedge, MD
      • Ezekiel Weis, MD
      • James Whelan, MD
      • James Wiens, MD
      • Agnes Wong, MD
      • David Wong, MD
      • Jamie Wong, MD
      • Elaine Woo, MD
      • Keith Yap, MD
      • Hossam Yassein, MD
      • Natasha Yepes, MD
      • Jacky Yeung, MD
      • Vivian T. Yin, MD
      • Pavlina Youhnovska, MD
      • Tarek Youssef, MD
      • Darana Yuen, MD

      2018 contributors

      $1000+ contributors

      • Alan Cruess, MD
      • Sherif El-Defrawy, MD
      • Robert Gizicki, MD
      • Jitendra Gohill, MD
      • Neeru Gupta, MD
      • Philip Hooper, MD
      • Christopher Jackman, MD
      • Colin Mann, MD
      • Daniel O’Brien, MD
      • Michael O’Connor, MD
      • Guillermo Rocha, MD

      $700-$999 contributors

      • Samer Abuswider, MD
      • Beatrice Adante, MD
      • Feisal Adatia, MD
      • Nina Ahuja, MD
      • Mohamed Albahiti, MD
      • Carolyn Anderson, MD
      • Chris Anjema, MD
      • Curtis Archibald, MD
      • Steve Arshinoff, MD
      • Ronald Baldassare, MD
      • Malcolm Banks, MD
      • Dorothy Donna Bautista, MD
      • Stephanie Baxter, MD
      • Robert Beldavs, MD
      • Lorne Bellan, MD
      • Graham Belovay, MD
      • Alan Berger, MD
      • Rajiv Bindlish, MD
      • Catherine Birt, MD
      • François Blanchette, MD
      • John Blaylock, MD
      • Andrew Boswall, MD
      • Guy Boswall, MD
      • Michael Brent, MD
      • Calvin Breslin, MD
      • Stephen Brodovsky, MD
      • Matthew Brucks, MD
      • Kyle Brydon, MD
      • Andrew Budning, MD
      • Todd Buglass, MD
      • Matthew Bujak, MD
      • Lulu Bursztyn, MD
      • Yvonne Buys, MD
      • Robert Campbell, MD
      • Anthony Carlsson, MD
      • Monica Carrillo, MD
      • Hernando Chacon-Andrade, MD
      • Jeffrey Chambers, MD
      • Brian Chan, MD
      • Clara Chan, MD
      • Stanley Chan, MD
      • Varun Chaudhary, MD
      • Trevor Chin Fook, MD
      • King Chow, MD
      • Edmund Collins, MD
      • David Comstock, MD
      • Gilles Cormier, MD
      • Dustin Curts, MD
      • Olivia Dam, MD
      • Karim Damji, MD
      • Mahshad Darvish-Zargar, MD
      • Walter de Bruin, MD
      • Alexandre de Saint Sardos, MD
      • Erin Demmings, MD
      • Béatrice Des Marchais, MD
      • Ravi Dookeran, MD
      • Michael Dorey, MD
      • Stephanie Dotchin, MD
      • Anne Drysdale, MD
      • Derek Dunphy, MD
      • Anna Ells, MD
      • Catherine Eplett, MD
      • Vasudha Erraguntla, MD
      • James Farmer, MD
      • Anne Faucher, MD
      • David Fine, MD
      • Yamina Fodil-Cherif, MD
      • Bryce Ford, MD
      • Côme Fortin, MD
      • Éric Fortin, MD
      • Annick Valérie Fournier, MD
      • Christopher Francis, MD
      • Justin French, MD
      • Sebastien Gagné, MD
      • Mark Gans, MD
      • Jane Gardiner, MD
      • Steven Gilberg, MD
      • Howard Gimbel, MD
      • John Gonder, MD
      • John Gonder, MD
      • William Goodine, MD
      • John Gorfinkel, MD
      • Chloe Gottlieb, MD
      • Lisa Gould, MD
      • Francine Guay, MD
      • François Guinard, MD
      • R. Rishi Gupta, MD
      • Patrick Hamel, MD
      • John Hamilton, MD
      • Christopher Hanson, MD
      • Isabelle Hardy, MD
      • Mona Harissi-Dagher, MD
      • Tim Hillson, MD
      • Patricia Hinton, MD
      • Eugene Hladky, MD
      • Vernon Ho Yuen, MD
      • Glen Hoar, MD
      • Karen Hoar, MD
      • Simon Holland, MD
      • Hussein Hollands, MD
      • Bernard Hurley, MD
      • Jonathan Hurst, MD
      • Naushad Hussein, MD
      • Cindy Hutnik, MD
      • Wessel Ingram, MD
      • Bruce Jackson, MD
      • Mary Louise Jackson, MD
      • Delan Jinapriya, MD
      • David Johnson, MD
      • David Jordan, MD
      • Conrad Kavalec, MD
      • Ross Kennedy, MD
      • Amin Kherani, MD
      • Stephen Kosar, MD
      • Nathalie Labrecque, MD
      • Kevin Lachapelle, MD
      • Lisa Lagrou, MD
      • Laurent Lalonde, MD
      • Alain Laplante, MD
      • Patricia-Ann Laughrea, MD
      • Matthew Lee-Wing, MD
      • Brian Leonard, MD
      • Kevin Leonard, MD
      • Andrea Leung, MD
      • Andrea Leung, MD
      • Steve Levasseur, MD
      • David Lewis, MD
      • James Lewis, MD
      • Janette Lindley, MD
      • Susan Lindley, MD
      • Christopher Lyons, MD
      • Ian MacDonald, MD
      • Inas Makar, MD
      • Mark Mandell, MD
      • Joshua Manusow, MD
      • Samuel Markowitz, MD
      • Mathen Mathen, MD
      • Charles Maxner, MD
      • Kristine Mayer, MD
      • Chryssa McAlister, MD
      • J. Martin McCarthy, MD
      • Ian McIlraith, MD
      • Robert McMahon, MD
      • Kamiar Mireskandari, MD
      • Andrew Mis, MD
      • Rajender Mohandas, MD
      • Yvonne Molgat, MD
      • Karen Moosbrugger, MD
      • Roger Morrissette, MD
      • Edward Moss, MD
      • Conor Mulholland, MD
      • Jeremy Murphy, MD
      • Paul Murphy, MD
      • Thomas Nagy, MD
      • Nawaaz Nathoo, MD
      • Brian Nelson, MD
      • Navdeep Nijhawan, MD
      • Donald Nixon, MD
      • Jason Noble, MD
      • Ravi Nrusimhadevara, MD
      • Heather O’Donnell, MD
      • James Oestreicher, MD
      • Sean O’Leary, MD
      • Alejandro Oliver, MD
      • Amer Omar, MD
      • Lindsay Ong-Tone, MD
      • Murari Patodia, MD
      • Katherine Paton, MD
      • Conrad Pelletier, MD
      • Nataly Pesin, MD
      • Adnan Pirbhai, MD
      • Steven Poleski, MD
      • Natashka Pollock, MD
      • Joel Post, MD
      • Karim Punja, MD
      • Michael Quinlan, MD
      • Paul Rafuse, MD
      • Cory Ramstead, MD
      • Raj Rathee, MD
      • Marc-André Rhéaume, MD
      • Rusty Ritenour, MD
      • Rehan Riyaz, MD
      • Marie-Claude Robert, MD
      • Kenneth Roberts, MD
      • Steve Roberts, MD
      • Johane Robitaille, MD
      • Amadeo Rodriguez, MD
      • Marian Roesch, MD
      • Jamie Rogers, MD
      • Mélanie Roy, MD
      • Chris Rudnisky, MD
      • Hady Saheb, MD
      • Arif Samad, MD
      • Robert Sanders, MD
      • Marius Scheepers, MD
      • Steven Schendel, MD
      • Blair Schoales, MD
      • Kelly Schweitzer, MD
      • Robert Scott, MD
      • Christopher Seamone, MD
      • Raymond Seto, MD
      • K. Briar Sexton, MD
      • Vijay Sharma, MD
      • Vikas Sharma, MD
      • Thomas Sheidow, MD
      • Ali Shoughary, MD
      • Byron Silver, MD
      • Rémy Simoneau, MD
      • Carolyn Skov, MD
      • Allan Slomovic, MD
      • Donald Smallman, MD
      • Leonard Smith, MD
      • Stanley Smith, MD
      • Donna Smythe, MD
      • Barry Sniderman, MD
      • Enitan Sogbesan, MD
      • Carlos Solarte-Thomas
      • Sohel Somani, MD
      • Curtis Sorgini, MD
      • Martin Spencer, MD
      • Jeff Steeves, MD
      • Frank Stockl, MD
      • Yi Ning Strube, MD
      • Zakaria Tadrous, MD
      • Mae Tam, MD
      • Alexander Tan, MD
      • James Taylor, MD
      • Joshua Teichman, MD
      • Martin ten Hove, MD
      • Matthew Tennant, MD
      • David Tingey, MD
      • Aron Tischler, MD
      • Todd Urton, MD
      • John van der Zweep, MD
      • Devesh Varma, MD
      • Christopher Waite, MD
      • Randy Walker, MD
      • Charlotte Wedge, MD
      • Ezekiel Weis, MD
      • James Whelan, MD
      • Geoff Williams, MD
      • David Wong, MD
      • Jamie Wong, MD
      • Keith Yap, MD
      • George Yearsley, MD
      • Natasha Yepes, MD
      • Jacky Yeung, MD
      • Tarek Youssef, MD
      • James Znajda, M

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