Who we are
The Association of Canadian University Professors of Ophthalmology (ACUPO) advocates for educators, researchers, clinicians and students, setting the highest standards and innovative frameworks for ophthalmic education.
Our Purpose
We promote, assist and facilitate the advancement of learning and research in the domain of ophthalmology in Canada in all its forms.
- Serves as a forum for the exchange of information and discussion of all and any matters of interest to Departments of Ophthalmology in Canada relating to medical education, research and patient care.
- Presents lectures and other public events in relation to ophthalmology.
- Encourages and provides assistance, monetary and otherwise to activities and organizations interested in academic ophthalmology.
- Fosters the exchange of ideas, information and experience in the realm of ophthalmology.
- Establishes relationships and maintains communications with other organizations interested in academic ophthalmology, in particular, the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada and the Canadian Ophthalmological Society and any similar organizations.
- Mentor, recognize and encourage the next generation of leaders in academic ophthalmology in Canada.
Insights & foresight
A longstanding history
The ACUPO was founded in the 1980s. The Department heads in Ophthalmology were also meeting as part of the Royal College Committee on Ophthalmology at COS gatherings. Becoming aware that the university professors in medicine had joined forces to further the education of their respective fields, Dr. Ray Leblanc, Department head at Dalhousie University at that time, initiated a discussion among several ophthalmology professors. Early adopters of the idea that an association could be created for ophthalmology In Canada included Dr. Stephen Drance, Department head at the University of British Columbia at the time, Alain Rousseau, Department head at Laval University at the time, among others. The first ACUPO meeting was held to develop the association’s “raison d’être” and explore how ophthalmology professors could fulfill a valuable role in academics and research in Canada.
Research Directors & Administrators

Department of Ophthalmology & Visual Sciences
2550 Willow Street
Vancouver BC V5Z 3N9
T: 604 875-4555 F: 604 875-4663
Chair: Neeru Gupta
Program director: Dr. Claire Sheldon
Affiliated sites
British Columbia’s Children’s Hospital
Kelowna General Hospital
Mount Saint Joseph Hospital
St. Paul’s Hospital
Surrey Memorial Hospital
Vancouver Hospital and Health Sciences Centre
Victoria Hospital

Royal Alexandra Hospital
Department of Ophthalmology and Visual Sciences
2319 – 10240 Kingsway Avenue
Edmonton AB T5H 3V9
T: 780 735-5954 F: 780 735-4969
Email: [email protected] or [email protected]
Chair: Dr. Edsel Ing
Undergraduate Director: Dr. Chris Rudnisky
Program director: Dr. Dr. Hermina Strungaru
Fellowship Director: Dr. Mark Greve
Affiliated sites
Royal Alexandra Hospital
Stollery Children’s Hospital

4411 16th Avenue NW
Calgary AB T3B 0M3
T: 403 943-3932 F: 403 943-3392
OphthoAdminCalgary [email protected]
Maria Petrosyants [email protected]
Chair: Dr. Stephanie Dotchin
Program director: Dr. Helen Chung
Affiliated sites
Rockyview Hospital
Alberta Children’s Hospital

College of Medicine – University of Saskatchewan
Department of Ophthalmology
Room 4133 — Saskatoon City Hospital
701 Queen Street
Saskatoon SK S7K 0M7
T: 306 655-8050 F: 306 655-7585
Email: [email protected]
SHR head: Dr. Paul H. Murphy
Program director: Dr. Nigel Rawlings
Associate program director: Dr. Shehla Rubab
Affiliated Sites
Saskatoon City Hospital
Royal University Hospital
St. Paul’s Hospital
Jim Pattison Children’s Hospital
Prairie View Surgical Centre

Misericordia General Hospital
Room M280, 99 Cornish Avenue
University of Manitoba
Winnipeg MB R3C 1A2
T: 204 788-8599
Professor and head: Dr. John van der Zweep
UGME Director: Dr. Frank Stockl
Fellowship Director: Dana McMillan
Program director: Dr. Andre Jastrzebski
Affiliated sites
Misericordia Health Centre
Children’s Hospital of Winnipeg
Health Sciences Centre
St. Boniface Hospital

Ivey Eye Institute
London Health Sciences Centre
University Campus and Victoria Campus
St. Joseph’s Health Care
268 Grosvenor Street
London ON N6A 1Y8
T: 519 646-6210 F: 519 646-6408
Email: [email protected] (Administration)
Chair: Dr. Cindy Hutnik
Program director: Dr. Inas Makar (Interim)
Affiliated sites
St. Joseph’s Health Centre
London Health Sciences Centre

McMaster Medical Centre
Room 4V2, 1200 Main Street W
Hamilton ON L8N 3Z5
T: 905 521-2100
Chair: Dr. Nina Ahuja
Undergraduate Director: Mark Fava
Postgraduate Director: Enitan Sogbesan & Amadeo Rodriguez
Fellowship Director: Enitan Sogbesan
Research Director: Dr. Sarah Jane Mullen, Senior Education Program Associate, Ophthalmology
Program director: Dr. Enitan Sogbesan
Contact: Holly Hammell
Affilated sites
Hamilton Health Sciences Centre
St. Joseph’s Hospital

Department of Ophthalmology and Vision Sciences
340 College St., Suite 400
Toronto ON M5T 3A9
T: 416 978 6294 F: 416 978 4590
Email: [email protected]
Chair: Dr. Sherif El-Defrawy
Program director: Dr. John Lloyd
Affiliated sites
Hospital for Sick Children
Kensington Eye Institute
Mount Sinai Hospital
Princess Margaret Hospital
St. Michael’s Hospital
Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre
Toronto Western Hospital

Hotel Dieu Hospital
Department of Ophthalmology
166 Brock Street
Kingston ON K7L 5G2
T: 613 533-2559 F: 613 533-6667
Information: https://ophthalmology.queensu.ca/
Chair: Dr. Stephanie Baxter
Program director: Dr. Mark Bona
Affiliated sites
Hôtel Dieu Hospital
Kingston General Hospital

University of Ottawa Eye Institute
Department of Ophthalmology
Ottawa Hospital, General Campus
501 Smyth Road, Suite W3301
Ottawa ON K1H 8L6
T: 613 737-8899 F: 613 737-8836
Email: [email protected]
Chair: Dr. David Maberley
Program director: Dr. Chloe Gottlieb
Affiliated sites
Children’s Hospital of Eastern Ontario
The Ottawa Hospital
University of Ottawa Eye Institute – General Campus and Civic Campus
Riverside Eye Care Centre

McGill Academic Eye Centre, Adult Ophthalmology
Department of Ophthalmology & Visual Sciences
5252 de Maisonneuve Ouest
Montréal QC H4A 0A4
T: 514 843-1544 F: 514 843-1624
Chair: Dr. Guillermo Rocha
Program director: Dr. Daniela Toffoli
Affiliated sites
Jewish General Hospital
Montreal Children’s Hospital
Montreal General Hospital
Royal Victoria Hospital
St. Mary’s Hospital

Département d’ophtalmologie
Faculté de médecine
CP 6128, Succursale Centre-ville
Montréal QC H3C 3J7
Chair: Dr. Ian MacDonald
Holder of the Suzanne-Veronneau Troutman Chair in Ophthalmology
UGME Director : Dr. Marie-Lyne Bélair
Fellowship Director : Dr Julie Vadboncoeur
Program director: Dr. Emilie Goodyear
Affiliated sites
Hôpital Sainte-Justine
Hôpital Maisonneuve-Rosemont
Hôpital Sacré-Cœur

Département d’ophtalmologie
Faculté de médecine
580, rue Bowen sud
Sherbrooke QC J1G2E8
T: 819 820-6868 F: 819 846-2572
Email: [email protected]
Chair: Dr. Anne Faucher
Undergraduate Director: Julie Lapointe
Program director: Dr. Michael Marchand-Gareau
Affiliated sites
Centre Hospitalier Universitaire de Sherbrooke (CHUS)
Hôpital Fleurimont Hôtel Dieu
Hôpital Charles LeMoyne
Hôpital de Chicoutimi

Département d’O.R.L.O
Bureau 4889, Pavillion Ferdinand-Vandry
Cité Universitaire
Québec QC G1V 0A6
T : 418 656-7898
Email: [email protected]
Chair: Dr. Serge Bourgault
Program director: Dr. Emmanuelle Chalifoux
Affiliated sites
Centre universitaire d’ophtalmologie de Québec (CUO)
Hôpital du Saint Sacrement et Hôpital de l’Enfant-Jésus
Centre hospitalier universitaire de Québec (CHU de Québec)
Centre Mère-Enfant Soleil (CHUL)
Centre hospitalier universitaire de Québec (CHU de Québec)

Department of Ophthalmology & Visual Sciences
2W Victoria, Room 2035
1278 Tower Road
Halifax NS B3H 2Y9
T: 902 473-4343 F: 902 473-2839
Interim Chair: Dr. Paul Rafuse
Program director: Dr. Danielle Cadieux
Affiliated sites
Izaak Walton Killam (IWK) Health Centre
Queen Elizabeth II Health Sciences Centre