COS-4 Surgical Teaching Series

COS Surgical Teaching Series (STS) 2013
Alternate IOL fixation strategies: iris and scleral fixation

Saturday June 15, 2013, 1545-1715

The COS-STS is a multimedia, practical-based program focused on advances in surgical techniques for the general ophthalmologist. This year's focus is on techniques to IOL placement in the setting of insufficient capsular support.

At the end of this session, participants will be able to:

  • develop an understanding and improved surgical skills in fixation of intraocular lenses when there is inadequate capsule support. Preoperative evaluation to plan surgical strategies including suturing techniques for iris-suturing, iris-enclavation, scleral suturing, and intrascleral haptic fixation will be discussed. Specific instrumentation will be reviewed.

NOTE: This course is a corresponding didactic course for this year's cataract surgery skills transfer course.

Iqbal Ike K. Ahmed
Iqbal Ike K. Ahmed
Sebastian Gagné
Patrick Gooi
Steven Safran

1545Introduction, approach, instruments, and sutures
1555Optic capture techniques
1612Iris suture fixation
1624Iris enclavation
1641Scleral suture fixation
1653Intrascleral haptic fixation

Steven Safran
Steven G. Safran, MD