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Annual Meeting Planning Committee (AMPC)

Mission Statement

The Annual Meeting Planning Committee (AMPC) reports to the COS CPD Council through the Committee Chair, who also serves on the COS Board of Directors. The AMPC is responsible for the development of the educational and scientific content of the COS Annual Meeting and Exhibition and works in cooperation with the COS to ensure the success of this meeting.

AMPC Members

Adam Muzychuk, MD Chair
Marie-Josée Aubin, MD Canadian Association for Public Health and Global Ophthalmology 
Nupura Bakshi, MD Equity, Diversity of Inclusion
Raj Bindlish, MD Canadian Glaucoma Society (Chair)
Isabelle Brunette, MD Ocular Regenerative Medicine Society
Clara Chan, MD Canadian Cornea, External Disease & Refractive Surgery Society
Varun Chaudhary, MD Canadian Retina Society (CPD Director)
Marvi Cheema, MD Comprehensive Vision Rehabilitation
Béatrice Des Marchais, MD Women in Ophthalmology
Jean Deschênes, MD Canadian Uveitis Society
Maryam Eslami, MD Council of Canadian Ophthalmology Residents (Vice-President)
Jim Farmer, MD Canadian Ophthalmic Pathology Society
Robert Gizicki, MD Canadian Retina Society (CPD Co-Chair)
Patrick Gooi, MD Surgical Skills Transfer Courses
Cindy Hutnik, MD COS Awards
Micah Luong, MD Comprehensive Vision Rehabilitation
Kamiar Mireskandari, MD Canadian Association of Pediatric Ophthalmology and Strabismus
Nav Nijhawan, MD Canadian Society of Oculoplastic Surgeons
Jacinthe Rouleau, MD Canadian Neuro-ophthalmology Society
Allan Slomovic, MD Ocular Regenerative Medicine Society
Josh Teichman, MD Cataract Surgery
Jing Wang, MD Canadian Glaucoma Society (Co-Chair)
Sonia Yeung, MD Cataract Surgery
Vivian Yin, MD Canadian Association for Public Health and Global Ophthalmology
Eunice You, MD Council of Canadian Ophthalmology Residents (President)

COS Staff

Elisabeth Fowler Executive Director and CEO
Danika Nieuwkoop Manager, Continuing Professional Development
Kim Tytler Manager, Communications & Public Affairs
Rita Afeltra Manager, Membership & Meeting Logistics
Christine Bruce Manager, Event Operations, Sponsorship and Exhibits

Allied Health

Shannon Steeves The Canadian Orthoptic Society (TCOS)
Sonia Manuchian The Canadian Orthoptic Society (TCOS)
Marc LaFontaine Canadian Society of Ophthalmic Medical Personnel (CSOMP)
Carla Blackburn Canadian Society of Ophthalmic Medical Personnel (CSOMP)
Catherine Callaghan Canadian Society of Ophthalmic Registered Nurses (CSORN)

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